
Medical Translators Need Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) Training


Medical translators are working remotely more frequently now than ever before. Due in large part to the Coronavirus pandemic and partly due to the advancements of modern technology. With people being more connected than ever before, we are able to communicate and exchange information faster and easier over longer distances. As people regularly move overseas- either willingly out of their own freewill, or unwillingly due to war or something in between like the call of duty- the need to communicate effectively becomes more important. Medical interpreters and translators work to bring language accessibility to all and the availability of Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) technology makes it not only fast and convenient, but more accessible to more people and an essential occupational tool in this modern world.


"What is Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) Training and why do medical translators need it?"

Medical translators using VRI video remote interpreting technologyVideo Remote Interpreting (VRI) refers to medical interpreters who are trained to use special equipment and are trained on various platforms on which they rely to do their job. VRI training is more than starting up a zoom call over your phone. Of course, some freelance and other remote interpreters use zoom for regular, day-to-day business but for those remote interpreters who want to work for a hospital or interpreting agency remote interpreting training is essential.

Video remote interpreting gives medical translators the information to conduct their work with knowledge, confidence and skill. Knowing how to operate the machinery, how to overcome challenges when they occur, and applying strategies to communicate with Limited English Proficient (LEP) individuals requires a set of skills that is highly coveted by employers.

As remote healthcare interpreting becomes more normal, with routine checkups often occurring over the phone and through video conference, medical translators and interpreters need to keep up with the trends. Understanding that your job is more than a paycheck, and that the accuracy of your translation is imperative for a patient is imperative. Your mistakes could have serious consequences and your training must be taken seriously. Successful interpreters are those who are continue to improve; for their benefit and the wellbeing of others.


Our online translator classes are taught by expert instructors ✅ who have real-world experience in their interpreting specialty. They have worked hard to make fully remote online courses unique and engaging ✅ through a hands-on approach to remote learning. All of our online interpreting courses are 100% LIVE via video conferencing technology✅to provide students the best remote experience possible, with the advantages of having an in person class. If you or someone you know is interested in our unique and engaging online Medical Interpreter Training Programs with live instructors, classes are offered in SpanishPortugueseArabicRussianChineseHaitian Creole, Vietnamese, Farsi, French, Hindi, Korean, Somali, Urdu, Ukrainian languages online and onsite.

Get the necessary online interpreter training in order to become a competent professional interpreter. Register now for one of our online interpreter training programs: Online Medical Interpreter TrainingOnline Legal Interpreter Training,Online Immigration Interpreter Training, Business & Community Interpreter Training

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Molly Romano Remote Copywriter

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