To become a translator online, you must start at the beginning. Our translator certificate course teaches fundamentals of language translation from ethical standards, to different techniques, to translation technology and so much more. Why? Because being bilingual is merely a starting point. There is so much more than being bilingual that is required to translate text from one language to another. That's why machine learning, and technology big part of our translation courses.
Translation localization software has been evolving over time, but it is nowhere near close enough to replace language interpreters and translators. We still need real people to become bilingual translators. Here's 3 reasons why:
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Become A Translator While Using A.I With Translator Training
Become a translator with our online translator training program! Taught exclusively through our online webinar portal, our expert instructors have created a curriculum that is both unique and engaging. Through which, our students receive all the benefits of a traditional, in-person classroom environment from the comfort & convenience of their own homes. Throughout the translator training course, students learn essential techniques, ethics, modern applications of language translation and so much more. Including language translation localization software, equipment and how to operate them in your future career as a language translator. As we have seen A.I (Artificial Intelligence) emerge and advance in recent years, some say it's cheating for translators to use A.I in their everyday jobs. But is this actually true?
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How Translation Localization Software Works & How It’s Used
Where translating work is concerned with word choice & meaning, localization is concerned with linguistic & cultural expression. It adapts the content for a new culture, language, syntax & intent. If you have ever watched a foreign film with subtitles on, you can literally experience the difference between the two concepts. The actors are saying a lot on screen, but the translation in English doesn't quite make sense. Leaving you with an impression that a lot was quite literally, lost in translation. Because the focus was purely on language translation, rather than capturing the nuance and idiosyncrasies from the source language through localization, and into the English language.
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Interpreting Training & 3 Keys To Find Professional Success
With professional interpreting, you have to understand 2 languages enough that you can hear something said, find the words in another language, and repeat the translation as quickly as possible. To be successful, it requires skills like recall, listening, pronunciation and so much more. The best interpreters are always expanding their vocabulary and finding ways to improve proficiency. We aren't saying you have to be an expert interpreter like Simone Biles is an expert gymnast. But if you want to work as a professional interpreter...
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Interpreter Training & Its Connection To Independence Day
Interpreter training for bilingual adults is a freedom that should not be taken for granted. Every year on July 4th, otherwise known as "Independence Day" we take the day to celebrate our freedoms, and appreciate the price that so many had to pay for them. But freedom is a price that must continue to be paid for, and is one that many today are still paying. So, if you are a bilingual adult living in the United States today, you might have already made the connection by now. If not, we encourage you to continue reading about...
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Our Translator Certificate Course, A.I & Your Future Job
Our translator certificate course teaches bilingual adults how to become language translators. Where, in addition to learning approaches and techniques, our students will learn essential skills and operating equipment that are essential for the job. So whether you aspire to work in business, law, healthcare or any other professional industry- we can turn your professional dreams into reality.
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Professional Medical Interpreters And How They Become Great
Professional medical interpreters must be expert communicators in at least 2 languages to be effective. In the United States, they must be fluent in English and their target language. They don't need to attend medical school. They don't need to diagnose their clients. And they definitely don't need to understand microbiology or biochemistry as doctors do. For medical interpreters, it is their job to attend appointments with clients who don't speak the same language as their doctor. So while they don't need the full extent of a medical education as doctors do, they must have a basic understanding of medical terminology and concepts.
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Legal Interpreter Tips That Will Turn Students Into Experts
A legal interpreter has a very important role. It is their job to facilitate communication between a client and a judge who speak entirely different languages. If a person cannot speak or understand English, logically, they should have a legal interpreter present for all legal proceedings. Unfortunately, immigration courts don't guarantee defendants the right to a lawyer like other courts do. Nor do they guarantee the right to legal interpreters. This means that defendants are left to navigate the judicial system alone, without the ability to communicate efficiently.
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Bilingual Professionals: Interpreters & Translators In Law
Bilingual professionals refers to the people who have made a profession out of fluently speaking more than one language. According to the 2019 Census Bureau, almost 68 million people in the United States speak a language other than English at home. That is roughly 21.6% of the entire U.S population! Interestingly, about 8% of the country - or 27,334,038 people - reported being more comfortable speaking a language other than English. If we look at detained immigrant statistics, people are 5 times more likely to hire a lawyer if they have someone helping them fill out forms... something that seems so simple, is what many don't have. In fact, only 14% of these detained immigrants go to court with a lawyer by their side.
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Legal Interpreting VS Translating & How They’re Different
Legal interpreting and legal translating definitely have similarities. It is every language professional's job to facilitate communication between their client and the other party. "The other party" could be a judge, who is overseeing your client's immigration case. Or it could be a lawyer for another type of legal proceeding. Whatever the case might be, both the legal interpreter and the legal translator work to ensure their client receives accurate information, in a language they can understand. In the United States, most of their clients are Limited English Proficient (LEP) which means the legal translator or legal interpreter must have an expert-level understanding of the English language and whatever language their client speaks.
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Our Remote Interpreter Course Makes You An Expert In 3 Ways
Our remote interpreter courses are taught by expert instructors, who will turn bilingual adult students into experts, themselves. Utilizing video conference technology, each instructor creates a highly engaging & useful curriculum that remains unparalleled in the remote learning industry. Most online training companies will record a series of lectures that are uploaded to a private platform for students to access on their own time. Others will encourage students to teach themselves through textbook material. We choose to do things a little differently- believing that remote learning still requires teachers to instruct.
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Healthcare Interpreting vs Translating & Your Future Career
Healthcare interpreting is a very different career than working as a medical translator. And while "interpreter" and "translator" are often used interchangeably, they are very different careers. At the core, a medical interpreter is someone who converts spoken conversation from one language to another; whereas a medical translator works with written texts. Both of these language professionals provide essential services for people who don't speak the common language- but they require different skill sets. In the United States, most clients will be working with people who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) but the work is required in every country that welcomes foreigners.
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VRI, OPI & 3 Realities Of Remote Interpreting Services
VRI (Video Remote Interpreting) and OPI (Over the Phone Interpreting) are essential skills that every modern-day language interpreter should actively seek out. And while remote interpreting services have been around for decades, their popularity has grown exponentially since COVID lockdowns, and every year since. As technology continues to advance at an accelerated rate, people must adapt along with it.
Thankfully, there are exceptional remote interpreting training courses that teach bilingual adults how to become professional interpreters. By learning from expert instructors, our students receive the highest quality remote interpreter training possible, thereby allowing them to become experts themselves. Our online courses are always 100% LIVE through our video chat platform. Ensuring that students receive the convenience of distance learning and the benefits of in-person instruction.
Once certified, remote interpreters can work in a variety of different industries, like immigration, healthcare and more. While each has their own unique challenges there are some that are universal- as in, challenges that are prominent in every industry.
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Immigration Interpreting & How To Find A Job When Class Ends
Immigration interpreting is a rewarding career for bilingual adults to pursue. Especially in the context of immigration, facilitating conversation for Limited English Proficient (LEP) immigrant adults during their legal proceedings is essential. Whether it's working asylum seekers, refugees, or ESL speakers (English as a Second Language) during immigration hearings, immigration interpreters play a crucial role for those who require their services.
Our online immigration interpreter training course is a 45-hour, 7-week program that is by expert instructors who have real-world experience as immigration interpreters. Having created a highly engaging and unique curriculum, each class happens LIVE through our video chat platform that brings the classroom to your home. Immigration interpreting training teaches students the vocabulary, as well as interpreter strategies and techniques that are essential for a successful career.
But once class is over, what do you do next? Where do you look for a job?
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Professional ESL For Bilingual & Working Language Interpreters
Professional ESL (English as a Second Language) is critical to success for working interpreters, and bilingual adults who aspire to become language interpreters one day. For some, ESL training for working bilingual adults might seem pointless. Maybe you have taken a course or two in the past and believe you are an expert. Or maybe you are already providing interpreting services and you don't think it's necessary to enroll in an online ESL course.
The reality is that the more training you have received, the more experience you have. And with any profession, the more experience you have increases your earning potential. If you want to work a professional interpreter but you don't have a record of formal English training, it will be harder for you to find work. If you want people to pay you for your experience, you need to have proof of your experience. Luckily for you, we have multiple online ESL courses that you can be placed into. To see which is the right fit, try our free ESL placement test. Then contact us to schedule a language assessment phone call with a language coach to confirm your level.
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Immigration Interpreter Training For Bilingual Adults
Immigration interpreter training can be the start of a fulfilling career change for bilingual adults. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average person in the United States will change careers 3-7 times in their lifetime, or every 12 months. Whatever your reason is for making a career change of your own- and there are many- it can be tough to start over. Especially if you have multiple dependents and/or financial obligations. A lot of people tend to start a new career that builds upon skills or talents they already have. So for the bilingual adult looking for a career change, immigration interpreter training could be the first step for some of these exciting careers...
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Public Service Interpreting Career Paths
Public service interpreting... what is that? For bilingual adults, a public service interpreting career can be very rewarding, especially for those who want to give back to their communities. They facilitate communication between people who speak different languages in public settings and usually work for government agencies, schools, or non-profit organizations. As such, public service interpreters must go through extensive training to learn essential techniques, terminology and skills to do the job correctly, since there is little room for mistakes.
Think about all the Limited English Proficient (LEP) citizens and families living in your community. How do you gain access to essential services in the United States without speaking English? Public service interpreter training provides adults with the education required to fill this essential role. Public interpreting positions are available at many different levels, and here is just a few examples of the type of work you could be doing:
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English Training To Explain 3 “April Fools” Idioms & Sayings
English training doesn't have to be boring. In fact, you usually learn more when you are having fun. So this April Fool's Day, let's have some fun and learn together! While historians debate over its' origins, the first distinguishable reference comes from a poem by Eduard de Dene written in 1561. In the poem, a nobleman sends his servant on mindless errands, who at some point realizes he was sent on fool's errands because it was April 1.
All across the world, people today still celebrate the April 1 by pranking their family, friends and coworkers. Despite being an unofficial holiday in the United States, you might see people getting into mischeif or you might hear them saying peculiar things in order to trick you into being their fool. Here's some examples:
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Immigration Interpreting For Legal Assistants
Immigration interpreting for bilingual adults is a great career path for those looking to change their career or progress in it. By building off of the language skills you already possess, while learning specialized interpreter skills, techniques & terminology- students are able to find success long after immigration interpreter training has ended. For bilingual adults who aspire to give back to their communities, providing interpreting services to LEP (Limited English Proficient) adults can be rewarding.
An LEP adult is someone who speaks little to no English, and they are often one of the most under-served communities in the United States. Providing immigration interpreting services during legal proceedings is one of the best ways to bring language justice to the immigrant population in the United States. Language justice is the idea that everyone deserves to understand and be understood- in all aspects of public life- regardless of where you were born.
"Delivering language justice" means that there is a person responsible for making sure that interpreters are available during concerts and forums, that official government forms are translated etc. Because every member of the community has the same right to the same information that everyone else has. Here's 3 ways immigration interpreting is helpful for those who aspire to work as legal assistants or similar positions:
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Legal Interpreter Training & 3 Vocab Hacks For ESL Learners
Court and legal interpreter training can be the start of a very successful career. Especially for the bilingual adults who are already fluent in 2 languages. A legal interpreter is someone who can translate conversation, from one language to another, during legal proceedings. That's it. They aren't required to go to law school. They don't need to know the intricacies of the law, or how to apply those laws on a case-by-case basis. That job is reserved for lawyers. Lawyers understand the terms and concepts, legal interpreters must know how to pronounce them. Which isn't as easy as it may seem, because there is a lot to learn. So if you are considering or already enrolled in our legal interpreting course, here's 3 vocabulary hacks:
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Remember Immigrant History In Honor Of Saint Paddy’s Day
St. Patrick's Day falls on the same day every year, to honor St. Patrick on the day he died: March 17, in the year 461. And while the city of Boston, Massachusetts has claimed to have hosted the first St. Paddy's Day celebration in the United States, Ireland has been celebrating as early as the 10th century. Although, Ireland has always treated March 17 as a somber, holy day of remembrance.
In 2024, those living in Ireland have the day off for their national holiday, but most aren't celebrating like the United States does. These days, St. Patrick's Day is associated with parades, beer, corned beef and hash, potatoes, 4 leaf clovers and tiny men called leprechauns. In the United States, but particularly in Boston's South End- or "Southie" as locals refer to the area- St. Patrick's Day is a huge deal. Streets remain closed for parades, local watering holes like bars and pubs get just as crowded as the streets do, rivers and beer get dyed green, and the Boston police department prepare for an entire weekend filled with breaking up bar fights.
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Legal Interpreting & 3 Things To Know About Confidentiality
Legal interpreting can seem intimidating at first. We don't expect you to be a legal expert, familiar with every law or tort that exists int he United States legal system. But we do expect you to be able to correctly pronounce legal terminology and provide accurate interpreting services. A legal interpreter doesn't have to understand the law - they have to listen to the legal proceeding in English and relay what was said in a target language.
This isn't as easy as it sounds. But just like lawyers must maintain confidentiality, legal interpreters must as well. And that might seem overwhelming, because there is so much to the concept of privacy, and ensuring that you act in accordance with all the privacy laws that relate to it. Any good legal or court interpreter will abide by the code of ethics and professional conduct that states everything that goes on during an interpreting assignment must remain confidential.
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Interpreter School For Bilingual Mental Health Professionals
Interpreter school is a worthwhile investment for bilingual adults in any industry. For bilingual professionals working in mental health settings, interpreter school could potentially save a life. Whether you are a mental health professional that working in a hospital, a psychologist's office, or even a school setting - there is really no downside to attending interpreter school if you are committed to it. Unfortunately, mental health has always been a taboo subject. Not too long ago, it was widely believed that only "crazy people" see psychologists. If you went to a family member or a friend, and talked about your therapist, you would get laughed at or criticized 20 years ago.. and some people still hold that mentality today.
But as times have changed, attitudes towards mental health have progressed, and more people feel comfortable talking publicly about their mental health. Taking steps to improve social-emotional health and well-being is more commonly viewed as a positive thing today than any time in history. Which means that there are more doctors and physicians working in mental health professions, because more people are recognizing its importance. Especially for bilingual adults, there are clear advantages towards attending interpreter school if you work in a school, hospital, therapist's office or similar setting.
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Healthcare Interpreting With The Heart In Mind
Healthcare interpreting is a fantastic career for bilingual adults. Whether you enter it part time, as a side-hustle, or as a full-time career there are many different paths and opportunities for growth. Many take our standard medical interpreter training course and make successful careers without any additional instruction. Others elect to continue their education with our advanced medical interpreting course to prepare for their medical interpreters licensing examination. It cannot be stressed enough that advanced interpreter training consists of additional training that is not required to become a medical interpreter. You don't have to continue your training, or pursue a medical interpreters' license to be successful.
The students who do continue their training, do so because they aspire to work for hospitals, or they want to work for an agency, or they want to specialize their training. Just like doctors choose a specialty, medical interpreters can choose a specialization as well. A medical interpreting specialization could include anything from orthopedics, to radiology, to cardiology or anything in between. By choosing a speciality in medical interpreting training, students and their future clients benefit in 3 key ways...
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Interpreting In Orthopedics & The Fundamentals Of Vocabulary
Interpreting is not something that should be taken lightly. Whether we are talking about legal, business or medical interpreting- providing interpreting services for a paying clientele indicates customers are paying for a high level of expertise. When customers pay someone to handle things for them, it's because the other person is an expert in that field. Just because bilingual adults are fluent in 2 languages, doesn't make them an expert interpreter. Sure, knowing both languages is a definite start, but that doesn't make you a medical interpreter on its' own.
Imagine you are a 19 year old college student in your first year of law school, and you have to appear before a court to plead a case. The rational person would go ahead and hire a lawyer to plead the case before a judge. Primarily because the lawyer knows more than you do, they have studied the law and dedicated their life towards understanding it.
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Medical Interpreter Training And Patient Confidentiality
Medical interpreter training is very important for bilingual adults who want to become professional interpreters. By providing students with expert instructors to learn from, we allow them to become experts themselves. And that process of learning is more convenient than ever. Made possible through our fully remote classes that are taught in real time; through our unique video conferencing platform that brings the classroom to you. Throughout our 60-hour, 7-week standard medical interpreter training program students learn the essentials of medical interpreting.
Fundamentals such as anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, integral approaches and strategies to different methods of interpreting, interpreter ethics and so much more are covered in this essential course. Bilingual adults who obtain their interpreter training certificate have an opportunity to create a meaningful career that builds upon and expands their language skills. We even have an advanced medical interpreter course for those who choose to continue their education and become a licensed medical interpreter.
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The Business Interpreter With A Career In Marketing
The business interpreter has an important role to play in any industry. Their job is to facilitate conversation during business meetings & conferences. For instance, if a company is expanding into a new market, the business interpreter would work with the marketing department to ensure that messaging in ad campaigns is accurate. They do all of this and more, and their work is highly valuable to executives and decision makers across all industries. Whether they are hired for crucial business meetings, or to look over contracts for foreign clients, there is no room for confusion. The successful business interpreter is well trained, and a trusted spokesperson for individuals and corporations. They aren't just a hired professional who can speak both languages. Here are some ways professional interpreters use their business interpreter certificate for a career in marketing...
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Business Interpreter Certificate: The Basics You Should Know
A business interpreter certificate can provide bilingual adults with a meaningful career. Utilizing the language skills you already have to create the career you want is a smart pathway towards lifelong success. Do you have dreams of working for yourself? Do you want to work remotely? Do you want to improve and/or learn highly specific vocabulary for your industry? Obtaining your business interpreter certificate is the first step towards making that goal reality. The modernized industries of 2024 demand certified business interpreters to conduct their work. And as businesses expand, the more they realize how essential business interpreters are. So whether you decide to work in finance, healthcare, law or some other industry- that is up to you. But one thing is for sure: every industry needs business interpreters.
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The Business Interpreter and 3 Skills To Become Successful
The Business Interpreter has an essential role in the world of international business. Companies expand into overseas markets, and land new contracts with foreign clientele everyday. But have you ever wondered how those companies can do it? Big corporations with a multinational presence (like Apple and Nike for example) can make international business dealings look effortless to the untrained eye. When you take a closer look, questions start to arise like: "How are decision makers communicating with those who speak a different language?" and "how do you build trust with people who can barely understand each other?"
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Get A Business Interpreter Certificate For A Thriving Career
A business interpreter certificate can help job seekers and company owners thrive. Whether you are looking for a career change or upward mobility, obtaining a business interpreter certificate could be a solution. Whether you work in marketing or accounting, real estate or finance- any industry can benefit from these skills. If you have looked for a job recently you've probably noticed the majority of listings prefer a bilingual candidate. If you have posted a job listing, you probably know that a bilingual candidate is preferred. This preference for bilingual applicants might have resulted from recent immigration patterns, geopolitical current events, or something else entirely. But this is the reality in the current job market. You might be wondering "how do bilingual adults set themselves apart from other bilingual job applicants?"
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Medical Interpreter & Medical Translator: 3 Key Differences
Medical interpreter or medical translator... if we told you these are separate professions requiring different training, would you believe us? These days, folks may not be aware because these terms have been used interchangeably. When you compare the two professions from a macro perspective, there are quite a few similarities. They both help people communicate, they both increase language accessibility, and they both require a mastery in both languages. For the bilingual adult looking for a career change, that person would have to complete 2 different language training courses if they want to work as BOTH a medical interpreter AND a medical translator. So what is the difference?
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Business Interpreters And Boxing Day Traditions
Since business interpreters work in a wide range of industries, it is important for them to be aware of international holidays. Especially for those who work in fields like government, or for businesses that offices overseas. Understanding where traditions come from, who you are doing business with, and the cultural practices those people observe is important for success.
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Become A Translator & You Could Work On Hollywood Films
Become a translator and create a career for yourself that doesn't feel like work. These days, it's hard enough for people to find stability in employment let alone a career that also brings satisfaction. For bilingual adults, the road to become a translator can lead to an array of different employment opportunities for industries like government agencies, education, healthcare and even for Hollywood. You might be asking yourself "where do I start?" Well, first you are going to need a translator certification that proves you have learned essential translator techniques, how to operate vital technology and software, foundational vocabulary used by professional translators, as well as a variety of different approaches and styles you can employ in your future career and so much more. By providing language training courses that use a hands-on approach we are able to offer an unsurpassed quality of education that the competition cannot deliver. Our translation classes combine the convenience of 100% remote learning✅ with all the benefits of having a traditional classroom experience. Our expert instructors ✅ go above and beyond to create curriculum that is unique and engaging✅ as all of our online courses are taught in real-time✅ through our video conferencing platform
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Translation Courses Can Help To Avoid These Common Mistakes
Translation courses teach bilingual adults how to become skilled language professionals. Like all of our course selections, our translation classes are taught by expert instructors ✅ who have real-world experience to pass on to students. Whether it's online or in-person, our instructors go above and beyond to make their classes unique and engaging ✅ for students. With online interpreter training courses taking place in real-time✅ through our video conferencing platform✅, our students receive the convenience of remote learning without sacrificing the benefits of having a traditional classroom experience. But don't just take our word for it- hear it from our interpreting students themselves! If you want to become a certified translator our course can help to get you there.
By exposing students to different models of translation (literal, idiomatic etc), different approaches to editing, different software and tools, how to translate in different contexts and different stylistics that professional translators can use- our translator certification course builds a foundation that our competitors cannot deliver. There's one component in particular sets us apart from the others- our focus on marketing. By dissecting different marketing slogans and campaigns in particular, we are able to create case studies where we analyze written marketing messages in English and how students would translate them into another language. Here's some examples of what we mean and how these case studies help students to become a certified translator online.
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Business Interpreter Training & Thriving As A Conference Interpreter
Business interpreter training gives students the fundamental skills required to thrive as a conference interpreter in this modern world. Our 45-hour 7-week online business interpreter program enables participants to work in a variety of professional business settings, while learning essential techniques and skills that set you up for a successful career as a bilingual interpreter. All of our online interpreter training courses are taught by expert instructors ✅ who have real-world experience - whether they have specialized in business interpreting for finance, accounting, marketing, or government affairs for example. By hosting all of our online courses through a video conferencing✅ platform, our courses offer students the ability to learn in real time with live instruction✅ ... which just isn't available with many of our competitors. By combining all the convenience of fully remote courses✅ with all the benefits of a traditional classroom environment with LIVE instruction✅ the quality of our courses speak for themselves in a way that other course providers cannot. So how do you thrive as a conference interpreter? Well, the first step is to enroll in whatever training program you believe to be the best. The second step is to apply what you have learned in that course to your real life job. Which begs the question... how is this course going to teach what others don't?
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Certified Interpreters & Their Connection To The First Thanksgiving
Certified interpreters are the bilingual adults who have dedicated their time and efforts towards ensuring that everyone should be able to communicate with each other- regardless of the language they understand. Their job is more involved than just being bilingual... although it certainly helps. Certified interpreters are the people who have attended interpreter school and then gone on to get official certification through their states' licensing board. It takes a lot of time and effort to become a certified interpreter but for a truly great interpreter- their education and training is never complete. Because they understand that there is more to the profession than being bilingual, and they recognize that language is as much about vocabulary as it is situational. Take yourself, for example. You speak differently to your friends than you do to at your job. Especially if you have a specialized career, like a surgeon for example, who spent years studying and perfecting their field... They would explain a procedure to a coworker using a far more complex vocabulary than they would explain it to their patient, who requires the same explanation just with a more common terminology. Our interpreter training programs are taught by expert instructors ✅who have real-world interpreting experience- as medical interpreters, legal interpreters, immigration interpreters, and any other online interpreter training course we provide. They have created their individual interpreting training courses to be unique and engaging✅ for their students, who will always receive LIVE instruction✅ as all of our online courses use video conferencing webinar formatting✅. As we continue to educate the next generation of language interpreters, and language translators our thoughts travel back in time. How was the first Thanksgiving possible? How were the Native Americans able to communicate with the colonialist settlers?
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Translating Certificate Course & The Essential Technology You Learn
A translating certificate course like the one we offer teaches bilingual adults how to become a translator. Taught by expert instructors ✅ who have real world experience in their language profession, our students learn the skills and techniques that are essential for their career change. Our translator school provides the best online training available, because our students get all the benefits of an in person classroom, and all the convenience of remote learning. Because all of our classes are 100% LIVE through video chat technology✅ our instructors work extra hard to make the curriculum unique and engaging✅ while giving students a level of attention, guidance and correction that is usually reserved for a traditional classroom experience. So, what does a translation certificate course teach? And why is technology so essential for the career?
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Translation Classes And 3 Examples Of Industry Localization
Translation classes teach bilingual adult students the skills and techniques required to translate complex written texts from one language to another. You might be thinking to yourself: "so it's reading text in one language and writing in another? I am fluent in multiple languages, why do I need a translation classes for that?" In some instances, you might be correct. We don't know the English comprehension level of everyone reading this post; and you could have an exceptional understanding of every language, and you could be so smart and savvy that you already know how to become a certified translator without spending time and money on the class. If this is the case and you don't want to pursue a translator certification, then we sincerely congratulate you and wish you well in your profession. And while this situation is technically possible... it is highly unlikely; because in most cases, simply being bilingual isn't enough for a language profession like interpreting or translating. If your goal is to obtain a translation certificate our expert instructors✅ provide the very best of what's possible with online learning. Combining the convenience of remote learning with the advantages of having a traditional classroom experience, our online courses are always 100% LIVE through video conferencing technology✅ and are delivered in a highly unique and engaging✅ manner. For most, translation courses are the building blocks for a successful translator career in healthcare, technology, or business which all use localization.
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Interpreters Brought Halloween Traditions To The USA- Here’s How!
Interpreters are the ones who keep traditions and customs alive. By sharing them with a wider audience, who then encourage others to participate, interpreters ensure traditions and stories are passed on for others to share and enjoy. Interpreters are the links between the old and young, ensuring that the ways of old don't get lost. Think about the elders in your life- the ones who might have immigrated through Elis Island (in New York), Angel Island (in San Francisco) or maybe they crossed the Texas-Mexico boarder in the '80s. Whatever their stories involve that got them to United States, it's a strong probability that it doesn't involve English. So then how did we retain all these Halloween traditions from other countries? Through the children who were born on US soil, who were taught celebratory traditions from their homelands. In the United States, we celebrate Halloween by dressing in creative costumes and accompany our children as they collect candy by trick-or-treating throughout the neighborhood. Other countries assign much meaning to their late-October celebrations that, without bilingual interpreters and English translators, would not be customary for United States citizens to adopt over time...
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Translation Courses And Work That’s Required In Different Industries
Translation courses for bilingual adults can be used as a tool to kickstart a career change. Whether your goal is to transition into the healthcare, public service or legal industry- bilingual adults can find a lot of work that utilizes their language skills and suits their career goals. For some, this can look like becoming a medical interpreter which involves relaying verbal communication between doctors and their patients because they speak different languages. As such, medical interpreter training is a good fit for someone who is personable, comfortable with public speaking and who doesn't mind having face-to-face interactions all day. A medical interpreter is someone who has devoted time and effort into perfecting their verbal communication skills, vocabulary and understanding of complex medical concepts into more than one language, so that they can easily relay communication back and forth between a doctor who might only speak English and a patient who might only speak Spanish. A certified translator on the other hand, is someone who has developed their written communication skills in multiple languages, to such a degree that they can easily understand and translate court documents, or medical records from one language to another. A translation certificate is required for adults who have already taken interpreting courses, but intend to work with source text that uses complex vocabulary and concepts. (CLICK the following links for more information about the specific differences between an interpreting courses and our translation and localization course). But what kind of translating work is actually required in different indrustries?
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Translation Certificate, Localization Training & Our New Course, Explained
Our translation and localization course provides bilingual adult students the opportunity to learn from expert instructors ✅ from the comfort of their own home without losing the benefits of an in-person classroom. With every class session occurring LIVE and in real-time✅ through our webinar portal, online translator school provides is an opportunity to learn a new skill and make a thriving career out of it. As we have specialized in training adults to become competent interpreters, it has become clear that we must also provide training for more specialized language professions, like translation localization. So what is the difference between a translation certificate and an interpreter certificate? What is translation localization training, and what can you do with a localization and translation certificate at the end of the course? Keep reading to find out!
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Translation and Localization Course: 3 Ways It Differs From Interpreter Courses
Translation localization training is an online course for bilingual adults - who already have a high proficiency in English - who want to refine their language skills so that they can translate complex texts from one language to another. These translation localization professionals must be able to translate text, that is written in the advanced form of English used in various settings like government agencies and the legal sector. Industries like these often require certified translators to convert written communication from one language to another which can include articles, legal texts and contracts among many other examples. The localization industry - which develops products like software, video games and websites- depends upon professionally trained translators to adapt text into different languages so it can be used on a global scale.
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Immigration Translators & 3 Kinds Of People They Work With
Immigration translators are bilingual adults who have made a career by facilitating communication between someone who speaks little to no English, and another person or entity (a government official, a lawyer etc). Immigration translators have to be fluent in English and another language and possess the knowledge, experience and extensive vocabulary in both languages in order to successfully relay communication. Whether it is done remotely- by using special equipment like VRI (Video Remote Interpreting) or OPI (Over the Phone Interpreting)- or in person, immigration translators are expected to be experts at simultaneous interpreting and all the other skills and techniques taught during immigration interpreter school. These interpreting services can include: translating documents, attending immigration proceedings, assisting social workers and so much more. After putting in the time and effort it takes to receive an immigration interpreter certificate, immigration translators can work with a wide range of clients and professionals on a daily basis. Here's 3 kinds of people who benefit from their work:
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Educational Interpreting At Schools Is A Career For Bilingual Adults
Educational interpreting is a fantastic career for bilingual adults who want to work in the public service sectors. An educational interpreter is someone who facilitates communication between parents, students, and educators in learning environments in both public and private institutions, including: kindergartens, high schools, after-school learning centers, or colleges and universities. With the United States becoming more diversified every year, the demand for educational interpreters has grown significantly and there are no signs of that changing any time soon. Just as the demand for educational interpreters grows, so too does the demand for skilled interpreters. For bilingual adults who want to make a career by utilizing their language skills, enrolling in an online course like educational interpreting offers prospective students the opportunity to acquire knowledge and gain experience from expert instructors ✅ who have created a unique and engaging ✅ online learning experience that is unparalleled in the world of online learning. By combining the convenience of remote learning ✅ with all the advantages of LIVE instruction ✅ all of our students receive a leg-up before class is even over because each class is taught in real time ✅. What is more, is that our program will either meet or exceed the minimum requirement to continue education or to find work after class ends- something other online courses fail to deliver. Want to know more? Here's 3 top questions you might have about this exciting career...
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Public Service Interpreters & The Government Agencies That Need Them
Public service interpreters have one of the most important and diverse roles in the language translation industry. Their work in public settings like courts, hospitals, schools, social service organizations and other government agencies ensures equal access to services; for people with a Limited English Proficiency (LEP), and or those who are deaf or who are hard of hearing. Public service interpreters bridge the communication divide between native English speakers and those who have a harder time understanding, and do so in real-time. In other words, their work is essential and ensures there is language justice in their local communities. Public service interpreting is a specialized service brought to the public domain by skilled language professionals who have trained and studied hard to become beacons of hope for minority populations living in the United States and abroad. Our online certificate program is a fully remote ✅ comprehensive 45 hour public service interpreter training course, that spans 7 weeks. Like all of our programs, public service and educational interpreting training is taught in real time with LIVE instruction ✅ that is unique and engaging ✅. Our expert instructors ✅ have experience in the field and have created a unique and engaging ✅ learning experience of the highest quality ✅ that those other providers cannot compete with.
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Public Service Interpreting In The Context Of Remembering 9.11.2001
Public service interpreting refers to the type of language interpretation services, provided by bilingual professionals in various public settings such as: government agencies, courts, hospitals, schools, and social service organizations. Working for Limited English Proficient (LEP) individuals- these are people who understand little to no English- public service interpreting ensures that everyone has equal access to services and opportunities regardless of their ability to understand English. The work that public service interpreters do ensures there is language accessibility for immigrants living in the United States and abroad. Those of us who are are old enough to remember where we were on September 11, 2001, remember how the world used to be before the first plane struck the North Tower at 8:46 EST. Looking back now, the world pre-9.11 seems just as far away as the events that unfolded. It may come as a shock then, to learn that the biggest terrorism case in United States history is still unresolved- despite that fateful day being 22 years ago today.
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Online Medical Translator Certificate Students & Life After Class Ends
Our online medical translator certificate students have an advantage after class ends. For one thing, every student of ours gets expert instructors✅ who lead classes having real life medical interpreters- something other companies simply cannot deliver. Those other companies can only offer self-taught interpreter training courses, whose students learn from a book or a pre-recorded video, rather than from real teachers✅. For every online interpreter training course we provide, all of our students in every class receives 100% LIVE instruction✅ that happens in real time, in a unique and engaging✅ format. We structure our classes this way because it gives our students the highest quality of online instruction possible, in addition to all the benefits of a traditional, in-person classroom environment. For many who attend our online medical interpreter school, working as a professional interpreter for a hospital or interpreting agency is the end goal. Our standard medical interpreter training course will allow students to find work as bilingual interpreters, working for clients on a freelance basis. This is a valid, and profitable career aspiration that can be accomplished on full-time or on a part-time basis. Becoming a medical interpreter can sometimes involve obtaining a medical interpreter license which is administered through your state's National Board of Certified Medical Interpreters. For students wishing to obtain an official medical interpreters license, and prepare for the standardized licensing test, advanced medical interpreting training is the next step towards becoming certified medical language interpreters.
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Medical Language Interpreters: Career Trajectory & Salary
Medical language interpreters are bilingual adults who provide language interpreting services to hospitals, so that patients can communicate with their doctors. Maybe there is a patient in San Diego who only speaks Spanish, or maybe someone had a heart attack on vacation in Cancun but they can only speak English. Whatever the situation is, medical language interpreters have an essential role to play when it comes to ensuring quality medical care and language accessibility to every patient. Language accessibility refers to the notion that everyone deserves to understand and be understood, while also encompassing the measures taken to ensure that all communication and content is accessible to everyone- regardless of age, ability, literacy and language(s) spoken. For bilingual people who want to work as a language professional in a medical setting, interpreter school is essential, because you must understand the medical terminology, concepts, anatomy and physiology concepts in both languages to be effective while also having the specific skills- like consecutive interpreting and simultaneous interpreting that are essential for the job. But what is the career trajectory for a medical interpreter? What can they earn as a language professional?
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Medical Language Interpreter Career & Managing Expectations
A medical language interpreter is a bilingual adult who translates conversation between a medical professional (like an EMT, a doctor, a surgeon etc) and a patient who speaks a different language. Medical interpreters have an important job, because they need to be fluent in 2 languages and know medical terminology and procedures so that they can relay the information to the patient. If a medical interpreter makes a mistake, whether that means mishearing a doctor or a misinterpretation; it could have serious consequences for the patient. This is why it isn't enough for medical interpreters to be bilingual- you have to have a firm understanding of medical terminology and procedures, in addition to anatomy and physiology. Our online medical interpreter training course teaches students all of this and more through our 100% LIVE webinar style remote course✅ that brings the classroom to your home, through our unique and engaging✅ approach to online learning, made possible with expert instructors✅. At the end of our 7-week, 60hr medical interpreter course students receive a medical interpreter certificate of completion. But what's next? Here's the 3 top questions prospective medical interpreter students want answers to...
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Becoming A Medical Interpreter- A Career Overview
Becoming a medical interpreter is a big decision that can pay off in the long run if you invest in yourself early. A medical interpreter is someone who is trained to translate all communication (written & spoken) between a doctor and their patient. In the United States, a medical interpreter is required when an English speaking doctor has a patient who only speaks Spanish - and vice versa. There are a multitude of other scenarios where their work is necessary, but at the core medical interpreters bridge the communication gap between doctors and patients and ensures that everyone receives the same quality of medical attention, regardless of where you are in the world and what language you speak. But what does it take to become a medical interpreter? What kinds of jobs can you get with with medical interpreter certificate? How will becoming a medical interpreter improve your life? Here's a career overview:
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English To Russian Interpreter Training For Bilingual Adults
English to Russian interpreter training is an investment for any bilingual adult. To be able to work for yourself and do so remotely, either full-time or as a part-time "side hustle" to supplement income during an economic downturn; are ideals that working adults are actively searching for in regards to employment opportunities, in a post-quarantine world. In March 2020, governments around the world issued stay-at-home Covid-19 lockdowns that forced all non-essential employees to work from home until they were lifted 5 months later. And although everyone had vastly different experiences -both positive and negative- during lockdown, many of us - especially millennials and Gen-Z - have gotten used to working from home and don't want to go back to an office. For bilingual adults fluent in the Russian and English languages, who are looking for a career change but don't know where to start, Russian interpreter training is a great place to start.
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Chinese Medical Interpreter Training for Bilingual Adults
Chinese medical interpreter training is a valuable skill for bilingual adults, especially those who are fluent in English as well as Cantonese or Mandarin. Although there are hundreds of different dialects within Mandarin, Gu, Gan, Xiang, Min, Hakka, Yum, Jun, Huizhou and Pinghua - it is far and away more beneficial to seek certification in these two "standard Chinese" dialects. For those considering a career change to a field like medical interpreting who are fluent in more than one Chinese dialect, we are commonly asked "which dialect is in more demand? Which is the most commonly spoken Chinese dialect to provide interpreting services for?" Unfortunately, this is an impossible question to answer because there isn't a perfect one-size-fits-all answer. In fact, the only truthful answer we can provide is "The most beneficial Chinese dialect to interpret for is the one most commonly spoken in your general area." So what does Chinese medical interpreter training consist of? What can you expect from your new career?
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Why Medical Spanish Interpreting Is Important
Medical Spanish interpreting is a fast growing field in the United States; and ever since the outbreak of Covid-19 in 2020, Spanish medical interpreting hasn't been slowing down. By utilizing Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) and Over the Phone Interpreting (OPI) equipment, medical interpreters of all languages are able to expand their businesses, work with more clients and get more appointments than ever before - just as long as there is stable internet connection. For bilingual adults who are fluent in both Spanish and English, an online medical interpreting course builds upon those language skills you already have, allowing you to become competent and professional medical Spanish interpreters. And while all of our interpreting training programs go above and beyond what a typical remote interpreting training course includes, the more people experience a language accessible healthcare system, the better off everyone is in the long run.
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Interpreting Training For Bilingual Adults Is Unique!
Interpreting training can be a pathway to success for many bilingual adults. Many people think that in order to become a professional interpreter, you just need to be bilingual. And while this is a fundamental requirement, it isn't the only one. To become an interpreter, bilingual adults must have an firm understanding of both languages (English and the target language to be interpreted), and have the skill set required to be able to interpret in real-time with accuracy. For those who aspire to work in a specialized field like medical interpreting for example, having a complete understanding of professional vocabulary used in both languages, perfecting grammar in both languages, understanding the interpreter code of ethics, and the ability to interpret on the spot- in real-time- with accuracy are essential to doing the job correctly. We teach bilingual adults learn how to master all of this, and more in our online interpreter classes. Taught by expert instructors✅, all of our online interpreting training courses take place in real-time through LIVE video chat classes✅ that are structured in unique and engaging✅ ways to make remote learning a more enjoyable experience that self-guided courses simply cannot deliver.
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Arabic Medical Interpreting Training & 3 Ways Our Program Is Different
Our Arabic medical interpreting training program is the same as our Portuguese medical interpreter training. No matter which language you choose to study, students are learning the same interpreting skills, the same code of ethics, the same vocabulary and protocols, etc. Our bilingual adult students all receive the same training and level of attention from our instructors, regardless of the target language chosen at the time of registration. What makes our Arabic medical interpreting training program unique is the ways in which weOur Arabic medical interpreting training program is the same quality and covers the same content as our Portuguese medical interpreter training. No matter which language you choose to study, students are learning the same interpreting skills, the same code of ethics, the same vocabulary and protocols, etc. Our bilingual adult students all receive the same training and level of attention from our instructors, regardless of the target language chosen at the time of registration. What makes our Arabic medical interpreting training program unique is the ways in which we differ from other, similar companies...differ from other, similar companies.
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Portuguese Immigration Interpreters & 3 Ways They Make A Difference
Portuguese immigration interpreters can find loads of meaningful ways to give back to their communities- even if it's just by capitalizing off of their language skills! There are approximately 1.2 million Portuguese speakers in the United States, who range from fluent English speakers to Limited English Proficient (LEP); meaning that there is a large demand for bilingual Portuguese interpreters in the United States who can also speak English fluently. Despite the United States currently seeing the lowest illegal boarder crossing rates from Portuguese speaking countries in Latin America (like Brazil, Venezuela, Paraguay etc) more than half of those who are seeking asylum speak little to no English as it is. The good news is: for those bilingual adults looking for a career change, studying to become an immigration interpreter is an investment that can provide a job with purpose that is location independent, offers a better work-life balance and the potential for financial stability once certified.
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English Interpreters At School For Children With IEPs
English interpreters at school make a huge impact not only for schools and the children who learn there, but for their families as well. Currently, there are 10.5 million children of immigrant families who are in grades K-12 living in the United States; and every one of them needs an education. Despite the fact that some of these foreign-born children are able to speak some English, others don't speak any English at all- who would be classified as Limited English Proficient or LEP- when they arrive to the United States. Sometimes, the children can speak some English themselves but their parents don't at all; how, then are teachers supposed to communicate with these students and their parents? What about the children with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or special needs? What level of support can parents expect that schools can reasonably deliver?
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Language Interpreters And 3 Reasons Every School Needs Them
Language interpreters can work in a variety of different fields ranging from healthcare, to law, to education and beyond. For bilingual adults who aspire to work in education, our community interpreter certificate training program could turn those dreams into reality. The term community interpreter refers to someone who bridges the gap between a Limited English Proficient (LEP) person and the community they find themselves in. Imagine for a minute that you have to leave the United States and move to Japan- you would rely on a community interpreter to help you find housing, a job, go through the foreign resident registry and more. Community interpreting allows bilingual adults find work to help the most disadvantaged populations, and while it is unfortunate, the children who find themselves in those circumstances are too often overlooked. For a language interpreter who works in education, many of the students they work with are from foreign countries whose parents may also speak little to no English.
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Legal Interpreter Certificate Training For Bilingual Portuguese Adults
Legal interpreter certification training is a fantastic career change opportunity for bilingual adults, who are fluent in Portuguese and English; especially for those who want to make a difference. A legal interpreter is someone who translates for non-English speakers during legal proceedings (think immigration hearings, depositions, citizenship proceedings etc). They are called to work for a person who is Limited English Proficient (LEP) because that person only speaks Portuguese. Legal interpreters primarily work in a courtroom or legal office, and they must translate everything that is said from English to Portuguese- so their client can understand- and from Portuguese to English - so the courtroom can understand. Legal interpreting might seem like an easy profession for someone who is fluent in both languages, but it takes a lot of skill and practice to do it correctly every single time. Here's what you can expect from legal interpreter certification training...
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Spanish Interpreting Careers For Bilingual Adults Start Here!
Spanish interpreting is one of the best careers for bilingual adults, who are fluent in both English and Spanish. With the flexibility to work anywhere there is a stable internet connection, being able to have a location independent career has only become more important in recent years. And the push for more remote job opportunities means interpreters can make more money by utilizing remote interpreting technology. Still interested?
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Translator Certificate & Debunking 3 Medical Interpreting Myths
Translator certificate or interpreting certificate? What's the difference? For starters, a professional translator is a bilingual adult who converts written text (think posters, forms, books etc) from one language to another. On the other hand, a professional interpreter is a bilingual worker who goes to appointments (either in person or remotely) with a client and relays verbal information to them in the language they can understand. The difference comes down to this: interpreters work with verbal information and translators work with written information. There is certainly some crossover- for instance, who would write the closed captions and subtitles for movies and TV shows?- but bilingual professionals can even specialize in one or the other. These terms are often used interchangeably but they do have different implications. Did you know this? If not, keep reading!
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Advanced Medical Interpreting Training & Answering 3 Biggest Questions About it
Advanced medical interpreting training could be an option for you- especially if you are reading this post! Bilingual adults who want to make a career change have this unique opportunity to capitalize on their language skills - while working from home, and often on their own schedule. Does this sound too good to be true? By now, you're probably wondering what the catch is. The answer to that is: you have to put in work, and you'll get out of it what you put into it. This is true for a lot of things in life, but especially so when considering changing your life. Some people might just be interested in becoming a medical interpreter as a "side hustle" to earn extra cash on the weekend. If this is your goal, it might not be worth it to continue onto advanced medical interpreting training. For you, we suggest remaining a bilingual medical interpreter or as a freelance English interpreter. However, if your goal is to become a certified medical interpreter who can work for a prestigious hospital, you might want to keep reading...
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Bilingual Medical Interpreter Answers 3 Frequently Asked Questions
A bilingual medical interpreter has an important job, which involves more than being fluent in English and another language. Medical interpreters must have an extensive knowledge of medical terminology, have a thorough understanding of the interpreter code of ethics, and be intimately familiar with the procedures they will be conversing about. You must be prepared to confidently interpret anything a doctor or surgeon may say to the patient- your client- and vice versa. An exceptional translator is someone who is not only skilled at, but comfortable with implementing their simultaneous interpreting experience in real life scenarios, that can have real, life-or-death consequences if a mistake is made. All of this and more is covered in our online medical interpreting training course by expert instructors who lead their students through a unique and engaging remote learning experience- where each remote class is 100% LIVE through video conference technology, which provides the best remote learning environment possible. English medical interpreters must be experienced and highly knowledgable in their craft- and it takes quite a bit of skill and time to learn how to do it properly, and without making any mistakes. For many bilingual adults, making the decision to become a medical translator is not easy, but if you are one of them and thinking about it yourself, you might be wondering what these answers are...
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Immigration Interpreter Certification and 3 Things To Do Afterwards
An immigration interpreter certification is obtained after bilingual adults students successfully complete our 45-hour online interpreter training class. Taught by expert instructors who have real-world immigration interpreting experience, we provide a unique and engaging approach to remote learning, through our 100% LIVE webinar style classes that allow students to interact with and ask questions in real time. During the course, bilingual adult students must learn the skills required to interpret every single word exactly as they are spoken- with 100% accuracy in both English and another language- all while listening to the speaker; which is often referred to as simultaneous interpreting. In addition to this, bilingual adult students must become experts at sight translation (the ability to translate documents), public speaking, and must know all the legal terminology that is used during immigration hearings and other proceedings. This is only a brief list of the skills good immigration interpreters must possess and could go on forever. The point is: an immigration interpreter plays a crucial role in their community and they must be experts at it before going out and working with real-world clients, to whom a single translation error has detrimental real-world consequences. But if you're reading this, you probably already know what an immigration interpreter does and are here to find out...
What can you do with an immigration interpreter certification?
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Community Translator Certificate and 3 Ways It Gives Back
A community translator certificate is a special thing that benefits so many more people than just the bilingual adult, and everyone they serve. The community interpreter is someone who provides interpreting and translation services in a wider range of situations than their colleague who chose a specialty; like medical or legal. With a specialization comes a deeper, microscopic dive into the vocabulary and concepts- whereas business and community interpreter training provides an opportunity for students to interpret in multiple situations, with a more generalized, macroscopic approach to interpret for a wide variety of purposes. The distinction here is very important, so to put it another way, think of a researcher who is studying how pollution changes a forest. They might use a microscope to study one specific, individual plant in the forest for a detailed look at how pollution changed that one plants' color or size. But a forest is not one individual plant, so she would need to zoom out and study the changes in all the plants there. This is a similar to how a community translator certificate benefits the singular person receiving interpreting services, and the impact it has on their community.
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Get An Online Translator Certification for A Thriving Remote Career
Getting an online translator certification is a decision that many bilingual adults are making later in life. When the world went into lockdown in 2020, almost everything moved to an online platform: classes, jobs, even doctor appointments took place over Zoom. Although quarantine mandates have lifted, and people have resumed their day-to-day lives within 6 feet, many people want to continue to working from home or going to school remotely; and this trend is showing no signs of stopping anytime soon. Specifically for bilingual adults looking for a career change, there is a unique opportunity to do both: attend interpreter school AND have remote career as a bilingual English interpreter- all from the comfort of your own home.
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Community Interpreter School: The Job & Why It’s Important
Community interpreter school is a worthwhile investment for bilingual adults who want to make a career change. In our modern world, working remote is not only a convenience but a necessity for many adults- especially for those without a reliable means of transportation, or who live in rural areas. Now more than ever, community interpreters and their services are required to are bridge the cultural divide between immigrants or refugees and U.S citizens. Amid the various global crises that cause people to leave their homes, the notices that jobs have been relocated and thousands more; there are a multitude of reasons that causes people to leave their country and head for the United States. The question then becomes: what happens when they arrive? How can they communicate when they don't speak English?
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Online Medical Interpreter School & 3 Classes That Enhance Training
Online medical interpreter school provides the training that prepares bilingual adults for a successful career as a medical interpreter. Although it is technically possible to stop all training after completing a 40hr medical interpreter training course and begin working as a freelance medical interpreter; alumni can find more trouble finding that work than they might realize. To become a medical interpreter, enrolling in an online medical interpreter training course is absolutely essential... but also, unfortunately, the bare minimum prerequisite.
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Medical Translators Need Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) Training
Medical translators are working remotely more frequently now than ever before. Due in large part to the Coronavirus pandemic and partly due to the advancements of modern technology. With people being more connected than ever before, we are able to communicate and exchange information faster and easier over longer distances. As people regularly move overseas- either willingly out of their own freewill, or unwillingly due to war or something in between like the call of duty- the need to communicate effectively becomes more important. Medical interpreters and translators work to bring language accessibility to all and the availability of Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) technology makes it not only fast and convenient, but more accessible to more people and an essential occupational tool in this modern world.
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English Interpreters Are For Weddings This Valentine’s Day
English interpreters are employed in a variety of different fields, most commonly working as medical, legal, community or immigration interpreters. Mainstream interpreting jobs in these industries are important - but they aren't for everyone. In fact, freelance interpreters can put their language skills to work in other, just as meaningful yet unconventional ways. That's one of the perks to learning a new skill - you can put it use however you see fit! One lucrative way English interpreters have made a profit is by offering their services to couples on their wedding day.
In these modern times, there are no legal limitations to love- thanks to the Respect for Marriage Act (ROMA) recently signed into law. And although bias and discrimination unfortunately still persist, couples are legally free marry anyone they deem worthy regardless of gender, sex, religion, race and ethnicity. Here's 3 ways interpreters can lend their services to interpreting love language:
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Interpreter Certification & Your Pay In 2 Top Earning Fields
An interpreter certification can mean different things to different people. To some, it can mean a certified interpreter and to others it can mean a licensed interpreter. A certified interpreter is someone who has completed interpreter training and knows enough about interpreting to find some work. A licensed interpreter is someone who holds an official interpreting license, that can only be issued by the National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters (NBCMI).
The tricky thing here is that some people who aren't as familiar with interpreting might not know enough about the interpreting certification process, so you have to be very clear about your qualifications. The thing to remember is: all licensed interpreters are certified interpreters... but certified interpreters are not officially licensed until they take the exam. Similar to how doctors must hold a valid license to work in a hospital as a doctor, you must hold an interpreters license to work for the government or to hold an official position. The interpreter licensing exam is a standardized test and you must prove that you have studied enough hours- with an interpreter certification- and practiced interpreting sufficiently just to sign up for the licensing exam. The distinction between a certified and licensed interpreter may seem trivial at first, but it is a very important one to make. Not only can you earn more as a licensed interpreter, but you can also find more work with an interpreter license. The thing is: you must become certified before getting licensed, and there is no way around that.
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Online Court Interpreter Training: 3 Competitive Advantages
Online Court Interpreter Training- how do you choose a program? What are the steps to become a certified court interpreter? What are the pros and cons of the program? Our online legal and court interpreter training program equips students with the most comprehensive training available. As court interpreting requires a high level of understanding live conversation, our court interpreter courses are designed in that same vein; something our competition just doesn't offer. Our specialty lies in preparing students to exceed requirements for official court interpreter certifications in order to have successful careers. Taking the first steps to a new career can be daunting, but deciding to take the next step is half the battle.
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English Medical Interpreters: A Beginner’s Guide
English medical interpreters provide an essential service to communities around the world. Whether traveling for recreational purposes, for a job or as an unfortunate result of global conflict forcing people out of their country- there are a million reasons why the job is necessary. Having worked throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, English medical interpreters have assisted those who speak little to no English communicate and receive critical care and treatment. The job requires commitment, dedication and needs to be taken seriously as people's lives depend on your correct translation. Here's everything you need to know...
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Advanced Medical Interpreter Training: Finding A Job With & Without It
Deciding whether or not to enroll in advanced medical interpreter training is a big decision. If this is one you're faced with, then you've already made quite a few others before...deciding to change your career, going back to school, and choosing to specialize in medical interpreting. When you are younger, it's easier to start over and do so multiple times. As an adult, you have responsibilities and people depending on you for their livelihood because it isn't just you anymore. Now, you might have a few kids, a spouse, and even elder family members relying on you for their wellbeing. You're most likely either paying a mortgage or rent on top of utilities, food and other necessary bills that aren't cheap in an economy where prices are through the roof and all during the holiday season. This simple fact of life makes it more difficult for adults to make changes because people don't stop needing food or a warm place to sleep at night regardless of hardships. The reality is, this was all true back when you made the decision to go back to school to improve your life & those who depend on you. The only difference is, this decision requires more money to spend on class, and more time spent learning.
Our Advanced interpreter training is a supplemental accelerated course. Meaning that in order to enroll, you MUST have taken and passed our standard online medical interpreter course. The standard medical interpreting curriculum teaches students the skills and fundamental vocabulary the profession requires; all in a 60 hour online medical interpreting course. All of our classes are held via LIVE video chat technology and are taught by experts in their fields who have created unique and engaging class curriculum to keep students engaged. There are a lot of different factors involved in deciding if advanced medical interpreting is for you but one of them is where can you work with and without the additional training?
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Get A Translator Certificate Online & Earn More As A Medical Interpreter
Everyone wants to earn more money. The unfortunate reality is that you must put in time, and effort in order to gain experience before income can be increased. Bilingual adults who are looking to make their lives better- not just for themselves but their family as well- who are willing to put work into their goals, will ultimately be successful. Getting a standard medical translator certification will allow our alumni to find employment at a hospital directly, and will typically start earning around $25 per hour. This requires passing our 60-hour online medical interpreter training class which is taught by experienced professionals through our unique approach to online learning. We understand that there are hundreds of other companies out there that can offer similar information through self-guided interpreter training online for a low cost. Too often, students attempt to save money with their training this way. Unfortunately, they find out too late that training wasn't nearly sufficient to become a medical interpreter, and they end up spending double in end, after completing medical translator school. Our approach involves providing the convenience of remote learning with the benefits of having an in-person instructor through our 100% LIVE video call style classes. So what does life look like after completing medical interpreter training?
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To Become a Translator Do You Need to Work Holidays?
To Become a Translator Do You Need to Work Holidays?
You might have heard that interpreters work around the clock. Agencies and hospitals are in desperate need of medical interpreter courses online that prepare students for any kind of challenge. When preparing to become a translator, you might also wonder about what does that mean exactly for work/life balance during the holiday season.
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Interpreter Classes and 5 Tips For Improving Public Speaking Skills
Interpreter classes- whether it's medical interpreter training online, legal interpreter training or another class entirely- becoming an interpreter involves mastering a variety of different skills. From stress management to getting comfortable speaking in public to enunciating and becoming an expert at simultaneous interpreting, there are a million individual skills that contribute to becoming an expert interpreter. All of our interpreter classes are taught by expert instructors who have designed unique curriculum to give students the best training possible for their new careers. Other online programs only offer their online interpreter training in a self-guided format; which means their students learn all the material from a computer or book without the guidance of an instructor. Their students often come to us after the fact, because their training unfortunately was not sufficient for official state licensure exams. By taking a different approach to online interpreter training classes, we are able to host LIVE webinar style classes that give our students the convenience of remote learning while offering all the benefits of having a seasoned instructor who can provide correction in the moment, and answer questions as they come up organically.
When enrolled in any class, different students struggle with different elements of the curriculum. Some may have a thicker accent and may need more guidance with pronunciation. Others find that learning how to become comfortable with public speaking is far more challenging. In fact, the National Institute of Mental Health reports that an estimated 73% of the population struggles with public speaking anxiety. With an affliction so pervasive, the odds are high that someone considering a career in interpreting also has a fear of public speaking. So what can you do about it?
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3 Tips to Help You Prepare for Medical Interpreter Classes Online
3 Tips to Help You Prepare for Medical Interpreter Classes Online
Ambitious students on the verge of starting like to hit the ground running. This is especially true for courses that will be taught online, as a virtual classroom might feel unfamiliar at first. Luckily, all the same rules of...
Online Interpreter Classes & Utilizing The 4 Memory Stages Effectively
Online interpreter classes can be just as difficult as any other class. Not only are you learning in 2 languages (English and your target language) but you have to retain that information and recall it throughout your career. There are many different tips and tricks people use to remember important information- and while all of them are good to know, discovering what actually works for you is the most important thing. After class is over, some students find a job right away. Others enroll in accelerated courses- like our advanced medical interpreting course for example- that helps our medical interpreting students with official medical interpreting certification exam prep which are only administered by the National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters (NBMCI). Regardless of which class you enroll in, all of them are taught by expert instructors who have designed each course in a unique and engaging way, through our digital platform that hosts our LIVE webinar style online classes. So whether you choose to enroll in a class like introduction to interpreting or legal interpreter training, choosing the right one for you is only half the battle. The other half is ensuring that you pass it successfully, and then deciding what to do afterwards.
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Preparing For Online Interpreter Courses & How To Deal With Stress
Online interpreter courses like medical interpreting training, and immigration interpreter training can be just as stressful as any other online course. The pressures of having to learn and master occupational vocabulary, ethics, roles and skills in 2 languages while managing daily responsibilities can be draining. Studying to become an interpreter can be challenging, stressful, confusing and fulfilling all at the same time. Interpreters have an opportunity to engage with people who may be feeling isolated, offer help to those who need it most but don't know how and can really make an impact in someone's life and community. With an occupation as diverse as the clientele, video remote interpreting classes (VRI) can help a community interpreter reach more people in more communities around the world. As with many other industries, the coronavirus pandemic has proved that work and learning can be done from a distance; and remote interpreting training can help even those who are already certified community interpreters improve their services. Preparing for online interpreter courses can be a daunting task. And while everyone is different, there are a few things everyone can do to make it easier to going back to school as an adult. So then, how do you prepare for online interpreter courses? Is stress management part of your preparation?
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3 Tips to Get Ahead on Introduction to Interpreting Training
Interpreting is a vast field. It is common for prospective interpreters to feel like a little fish in a big pond. Imposter syndrome effects everyone, but it is important to remember that interpreting can be overwhelming because it covers everything that people have to talk about. Introduction to interpreting training helps beginner interpreters find their footing and discover what area speaks to them. Here are some tips to practice if you are nervous for your first day of an introduction to interpreting course.
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International Translation Day & Celebrating Language Professionals
International translation day is an unofficial holiday that recognizes language professionals and the work that they do; which plays a crucial role in bringing nations together in order to start a dialogue, build relationships and embolden world peace. Celebrated on September 30, the holiday falls on the same day as the feast of St. Jerome- the Bible translator who is considered the patron saint of translators. A priest from northern Italy, St. Jerome i known for translating the bible from the Greek manuscripts of the New Testament into Latin. The feast is a Christian holiday celebrated in Italy and places around the world with a heavy Italian influence- like the North End in Boston and Little Italy in New York City. The United Nations has brought 51 nations together through the work of language professionals and considers that work an art and a trade. Join us, as we celebrate International Translation Day by raising awareness of language professionals.
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Haitian Creole Medical Interpreting & Its History In The U.S.A
By settling in highly educated metropolitan cities like Boston and New York, Haitian-Americans were able to assimilate into the population and find work in elite fields like medicine, education and law and other common industries among Boston-based Haitian communities like tax preparation, restaurant & catering, financial management. One thing is true across all industries: Haitian-English interpreters are needed for every industry. Specifically with medical interpreting, it is very important to have bilingual adults available to interpret for Limited English Proficient (LEP) patients who wouldn't understand how to communicate in emergencies. Our 60hr medical interpreter online training class is taught by experts in the field who have created a unique and engaging online interpreter training curriculum that includes 100% LIVE webinar style classes.
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The Global Importance of Medical Interpreter Classes Online
The Global Importance of Medical Interpreter Classes Online
Medical interpreters encounter people with unique medical circumstances. At every level, medical collaboration relies on interpretation. Medical interpreter classes online allow medical interpreters to gain the necessary skills to accurately convey information in an industry that does not allow for much error....
Russian Medical Interpreting In The United States
Getting a Russian medical interpreting certificate in the United States is a process that takes time and it all depends on where you want to end up interpreting, and what you want to do with it. Some people who have medical translator certification, want to advance their careers in hospital administration. Every hospital is different in their requirements for medical interpreters, but every hospital needs someone to translate documents and interpret for Limited English Proficient (LEP) patients. Having a bilingual staff interpreter on-site is beneficial for hospitals and their employees. Others choose to seek out official medical interpreter certification and have the ability to work anywhere they want, by offering remote interpreting services like VRI (Video Remote Interpreting) and Over the Phone Interpreting (OPI) services without having to be physically present. But why is it so important to have Russian medical interpreters in the U.S?
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Remote Portuguese Medical Interpreter Training
Portuguese medical interpreter training is something everyone should consider if they are bilingual in Portuguese and English. According to the census bureau, there are roughly 1.5 million Portuguese-Americans who live in states like Massachusetts, California and Rhode Island. Further findings by the census bureau reveal that as of 2016, 35 million U.S citizens over 18 speak a language other than English at home and that 67% of immigrants report speaking little to no English. What these figures tell us is that Portuguese is a widely spoken language in the United States, and that a nearly half of the people who can speak it have some trouble understanding English. Limited English Proficient (LEP) adults make up a huge population of the United States and they deserve the same quality of medical care as everyone else. This idea- that everyone deserves to understand and be understood- is referred to as language accessibility in the interpreting world. Portuguese medical interpreting is a career that allows bilingual adults to bring more equality to their communities, and do so remotely if they choose. Ever since the Covid-19 pandemic hit back in March 2020, remote work became the most desirable and most sought after by younger people who understand the value. In today's day and age, remote work and remote learning are more than a priority- they are a necessity. So what are the benefits of a remote Portuguese medical interpreter training course?
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Ukrainian Medical Interpreting & 3 Reasons It’s Essential In The U.S
Geo-political conflicts- whether they occur thousands of miles away or in your home country- cause multiple ripple effects around the world. When events like the Ukrainian- Russian conflict force people to flee from their homes, a demand for certain skills increases exponentially. Crises such as these require the help of bilingual individuals who can deliver care, information and assist in relocating somewhere else. Ukrainian medical interpreting in the United States is especially critical because displaced people are arriving in need of medical assistance, where an estimated 54% are Limited English Proficient (LEP)- meaning they cannot communicate well or at all with English speaking doctors. Of the 6 million internationally displaced Ukrainian civilians, the United States has promised resettlement protection to as many as 100,000 since February 2022, and resettled 15,000 so far. Joining the 1.1 million Ukrainian-Americans- accounting for 1% of the 44.9 million immigrant community- makes the U.S home to the second largest population of Ukrainian immigrants in the world, second only to Russia. Today, most Ukrainian-born U.S citizens became naturalized and gained legal permanent residence status after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. Nearly half of whom made homes within the major cities located in New York, Illionis, Washington and California. But why is it critical for English speaking Ukrainians to become medical interpreters vs any other kind of interpreting?
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Spanish Medical Interpreting Training and Where It Is Needed
Spanish medical interpreting is one of the most popular professions, and one that is constantly in demand for qualified individuals in the United States. With approximately 11.6 million bilingual Spanish & English speakers living in the United States, studying to become a medical interpreter a rewarding career with ample opportunity. Working with Limited English Proficient (LEP) communities, Spanish-English medical interpreters allow those who speak little to no English to receive a higher standard of medical care, that they may not otherwise receive. Unfortunately, those who have been getting by without a medical translator certification have most likely been relying on bilingual relatives-often children- to interpret doctor appointments. And although being bilingual is a requirement for medical interpreting, there is so much more to the profession that you can only learn in medical interpreting classes. So what does Spanish medical interpreting training involve and where is it needed?
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Diversity and Inclusion Training…What Is It, and How Can It Help You?
From diversity and inclusion training to advanced medical interpreter training we have rolled out a few new course offerings recently. Although they both provide the tools to become a successful interpreter, both of these courses are slightly different than our standard curriculum. Advanced medical interpreting is a 30 hr supplemental medical interpreting course, meaning that students must enroll in our standard medical interpreting program (or an equivalent course) as a prerequisite requirement✅. As the name implies, advanced medical interpreting is an accelerated course that prepares students to pass NBCMI (National Board of Certification for Medical interpreters) or national medical interpreting exam for an official certification. Diversity and inclusion training on the other hand, is exactly what you think it is...or is it?
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Advanced Medical Interpreting Vs Standard- Which is Right For You?
With so many new class offerings added to the roster, it can be difficult to know which is right for you. From Diversity and Inclusion Training to Advanced Medical Interpreting, how do you decide which is right for you? Our standard Medical interpreter training class is 60-hours and 7 weeks worth of high-quality training and introduces students to medical terminology and concepts. For students interested in pursuing official medical interpreter certification - our Advanced Medical Interpreting program is now added to the curriculum. You might be reading this thinking: okay, tell me more- how are these 2 similar courses different? They actually are more different than they are alike and to answer that question, you must ask yourself first:
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National Medical Interpreting Exam Prep Course & What You Need To Know
Getting a medical translator certification (or medical interpreting certification) is a process, but a rewarding process for bilingual adults seeking to change their career. When one embarks on a journey to become a medical interpreter or translator, there are hundreds of medical interpreting training courses out there to choose from- but not all of them are created equal. A lot of those other courses are self taught, and students choose them initially to save a few dollars. It isn't until after paying a nonrefundable fee to register for national medical interpreting certification exam, that they realize those other courses didn't meet the standards. That is usually when we see those students- after all of that time, trouble and money was already wasted. At this point, you've either heard all about our 60-hour medical interpreter training course or have already taken it...if not, well, now is the time to get acquainted with what we do: provide quality medical interpreting training so our students can continue with long, successful medical interpreting careers.
So why are we offering a national medical interpreting exam prep course?
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How to Get A Medical Translator Certification
Getting a medical translator certification is a worth pursuing for those who are bilingual in English and another target language. A medical translator is someone who is paid to translate medical documents to Limited English Proficient (LEP) and non English speaking patients. A medical interpreter is someone who is paid to interpret conversations between the LEP patient and their doctor. The good news is to become a medical translator you can also work as a medical interpreter and vice versa. If there is anything to be learned from the Coronavirus pandemic, it's that the modern world requires the majority of people to work a modern career that can be done remotely. Of course there are some outliers whose job necessitates workers be physically present but for the most part, going to an office for work is a thing of the past. Getting a medical translator certification is a worthy career path for anyone who is bilingual in English and another language- but where do you start?
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Translator School for Arabic Medical Interpreters In California
Medical interpreter training is one of the leading careers for bilingual adults. Providing concrete paths towards a brighter future, a certified medical interpreter can offer their loved ones and larger community peace of mind. Graduates of our medical interpreting classes improve the quality of care that ESL speakers (English as a Second Language) receive by making language more accessible. California has been home to immigrant communities since the mid-1800's who now account for 27% of its total residents- which is more than double in any other state. Additionally, an estimated 200,000 people over 5 years old speak Arabic at home in the golden state. All of this information tells us that there is a high demand for medical interpreters in California, especially those who are looking for a career in Arabic medical interpreting. So how do you become an Arabic medical interpreter once you have decided to take the next step? Isn't being bilingual a good enough credential?
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3 Reasons Portuguese Medical Interpreting Is Needed In New Jersey
Portuguese medical interpreting is needed in every major city in the United States. According to the census bureau, there are roughly 1.5 million Portuguese-Americans. Of them, the language varies based on region of origin which can be categorized into 2 main groups: the Southern and Central dialects and the Northern dialects; which all have multiple different sub-versions within them. As a result, there are millions of Portuguese speakers residing all over the world in countries within Europe to South and North America, to Asia and Oceania. And while Portuguese is spoken in most major cities in states like Massachusetts, California, Rhode Island, and New York- there is a higher percentage of Portuguese-Americans residing in New Jersey; specifically in the larger Newark area. There was a time in the late 20th century when immigration trends made Newark more notorious in Portugal than in the rest of the United States. With such a high concentration of a certain language, it is in everyone's best interest to make language more accessible to the population. This can look like many things, but one of the most effective ways to achieve true language accessibility is with medical interpreter training.
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3 Benefits of Having a Bilingual Staff Interpreter On-Site
Having a bilingual staff interpreter on-site is one of the smartest decisions companies can make in modern times. Because people are more connected now than ever before, companies have an opportunity to expand their reach to access people in other countries, and who speak other languages. A bilingual staff interpreter refers to person who gets hired by a company to interpret conversations and translate documents. Having an employee on-site who can handle all of their language requests is not only a convenience but a necessity for most companies. Incorporating your needs and requests into the curriculum is our speciality, as all programs are completely customizable ✅. We recognize that every business and every person is unique in their needs and learning styles- which is why we offer the freedom to customize our curriculum. Private, small group classes ✅ allow your employees to get comfortable wherever you need to host class. Some companies, like hospitals for instance, require on-site medical interpreting classes ✅ because employees will be working with specialized or heavy equipment, whereas others opt for online employee interpreting training ✅ due to convenience. Having a bilingual staff interpreter on-site to handle all of your corporate language requests is essential to many international and large companies- so what are the benefits to your company?
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Community Interpretation Services for Schools
For many students and families, certified community interpreters can be an essential lifeline. Offered online or on-site, community interpreter training is best suited for bilingual adults who want to make a difference in many lives. So whether you are an individual who wants to become a community interpreter online or an administrator who wants to provide their existing school employee interpreter training on-site- we have solutions for you. All of our classes are highly engaging and provides the tools for success as a community interpreter. Online community interpreter courses are taught via LIVE webinar conferencing technology✅ providing the best online learning experience possible with in-person feedback that our competition just doesn't deliver. Community interpretation services are available to Limited English Proficient (LEP) students and their parents throughout the span of their time in school. So what interpreting services are available to Limited English Proficient (LEP) parents of school-aged children?
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Online Interpreting Courses & 3 Marketable Skills
Whether you have chosen a specialization like Legal Interpreter Training or are opting for something more general like Intro To Interpreter Training; all of our online interpreting courses will bring you closer to achieving your dreams. Each course utilizes LIVE video / webinar conferencing ✅ technology for class, ensuring students receive the best online learning experience possible. Every instructor is an expert in their respective field, and every syllabus is catered to helping students begin a fulfilling new career as an interpreter- with or without a specialization.
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3 Healthcare Interpreting Trends Across The United States
As immigrant populations continue to climb in the United States, our obligation to expand language accessibility in healthcare increases as well. The Migration Policy Institute found that 22% of the United States population or 65,900,000 people do not speak English. Whether it is due to language barriers or a number of other different reasons, non-citizens are less likely to seek medical attention and therefore more likely to die from potentially treatable injuries, diseases and ailments. What is more, ever since the Coronavirus pandemic started in 2020, patients are no longer allowed to bring family members or non-essential people to their appointments. This means interpreters are allowed, but your cousin bilingual cousin who isn't a certified medical interpreter cannot go to your ultrasound appointment with you. It is now only the doctor, the patient and a medical interpreter who are permitted in the examination room. In this growing industry for bilingual individuals, it is important to evaluate current industry trends before beginning a new career. Here are 3 top healthcare interpreting trends in the United States:
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5 Memory Exercises for Online Interpreting Training
Online interpreting training prepares bilingual students for a fulfilling career- whether you purse medical, legal, immigration, community or video remote interpreting training. Knowing which field you want to work is an important first step before registering for class. Highly focused on different subject matter, each course during online interpreter school has its own vocabulary, procedures and syllabus that do not translate into other fields of focus. Medical interpreters have a completely different subject matter from other students who are studying immigration interpreting; which is completely different than those who are pursuing a career in legal interpreting. After successfully completing our 60-hour online medical interpreter course students are prepared to EXCEED exam requirements✅ for official medical interpreter certification. Issued by an accredited entity, official certification is recommended in order to become a distinguished and in-demand interpreter. Students who do not wish to pursue this route can still find employment opportunities- especially for those who seek training hospital employees as medical interpreters- but should expect to earn less than peers who do. Medical interpreting training is a path that can lead bilingual individuals towards a rewarding career, and students must be prepared to put in the work required. Each online interpreting training class operates through remote video conferencing technology ✅ that will help you get more out of your experience than with the self-guided courses our competition offers. Preparing for online interpreting training can be overwhelming for some and stressful for many.
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Online Interpreter School: Immigration Vs. Legal Interpreting Classes
Online interpreter school can involve a specialization in any subject- from legal, to medical, to immigration interpreting classes. It can even be as general as specializing in community interpreting, or not selecting a specialty at all. It really all depends on what environments you want to work in and the work you want to accomplish. Do you want to help Limited English Proficient (LEP) individuals seek justice? Or do you see yourself working in hospitals? The key here is playing to your strengths: if you are great at typing, you might be able to find a position in your home state as an interpreter who works as a court stenographer through an online 40-hour court interpreter course. If you are more interested in assisting LEP adults through their court proceedings, becoming a certified immigration interpreter would be better suited for the kind of work you want to accomplish.
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Training Hospital Employees In Medical Interpreting In 4 Steps
Training hospital employees in medical interpreting can be a wise, and lucrative decision for hospitals and their employees. While doctors, nurses and those working in specialized medical fields can absolutely benefit from medical interpreter training program, non-medical hospital staff like administrative personnel are the best option for the task. By providing staffed associates with medical interpreter training, hospitals can utilize their services to translate documents for Limited English Proficient (LEP) patients and provide services by interpreting during appointments whenever necessary or requested. While bilingual associates can do this to an extent, 40-hour medical interpreter training online teaches -among other things- essential medical vocabulary, pathology, basic concepts of biomedicine and anatomy & physiology; while practicing core interpreting competency skills like sight translation, consecutive interpreting and simultaneous interpreting that they wouldn't have otherwise received. When employees receive interpreting training, hospitals save thousands of dollars by foregoing translation agencies. While saving valuable time because there is no longer a need to search for an agency- meaning those hours of manpower can be devoted elsewhere. Training hospital employees in medical interpreting means a higher salary, career growth and transferrable skills that they can carry throughout their careers. You might be wondering:
"Why don't more leaders start training their hospital employees in medical interpreting if it's such a logical benefit to hospitals, their employees and every LEP patient?"
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Associate Interpreter Training For School Employees Is a Genius Move
Associate interpreter training involves providing your preexisting bilingual staff with interpreting training. Did you know that half of the world's population is bilingual? In fact, approximately 63 million United States residents or 20.5% of the overall population report being bilingual in English and another language- according to the census bureau. These findings are mirrored in that an estimated 22% of children or 12 million kids report speaking a language other than English at home. The implications of which reach beyond this article but with immigration trends continuing to increase, it is reasonable that those numbers continue to rise over time.
Knowing all of this information is great, but what exactly is being done about it? How are schools rising to meet these challenges and how is associate interpreter training an asset to school districts?
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The Community Interpreter & 4 Reasons They Are Important
The community interpreter is an interpreter who provides interpreting and translation services for public or social benefit. Working in a wide variety of industries, community interpreters can specialize in immigration, social security, healthcare, family services, law, or private business sectors to name a few. Anticipating and meeting the needs of a wide range of clients can be rewarding and stressful at the same time. For instance, they are often a vital life-line for Limited English Proficient (LEP) communities and are more likely to work with an illiterate clientele. Many professionals obtain official interpreter certification after completing the required 45-hour business & community interpreter training course. With the increasing demand for bilingual and multilingual interpreters, the community interpreter can find meaningful work anywhere in the world. With the advancements of modern society, certified community interpreters are finding their services are becoming more widely accessible with VRI (Video Remote Interpreting) and OPI (Over the Phone Interpreting) technology. What sets them apart from other interpreters?
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Interpreter Training Classes – What Are Students Saying?
Interpreter training classes prepare students for a successful career working in the medical, legal, business & community or immigration fields. Expert instructors create highly engaging online courses that will prepare students for their exams, if they choose to pursue official certification. With a unique approach to online learning, all online interpreter training classes are completely live and interactive giving students the best environment for successful online learning. Whether it's the 60-hour medical interpreter course or a 45-hour legal interpreting class or another program, they all exceed requirements to register for official interpreter certification exams. Correction and feedback in real time, a comprehensive syllabus, and learning from the best available instructors available prepare students for a successful career of interpreting. But don't just take our word for it!
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Video Remote Interpreters Are Needed to Help Ukrainian Refugees
Video Remote Interpreters (VRI) who have obtained official court interpreter certifications can make a meaningful impact during global conflicts like we are seeing in Ukraine. When geo-political crises break out, other parts of the world become affected by the conflict in a variety of different ways. From food supply shortages around the world, to immigration into neighboring countries- there is a certain level of human responsibility involved in how other countries respond to current events. When assisting with humanitarian crises abroad, a certified immigration interpreter who is trained to operate remote interpreting systems like VRI (Video Remote Interpreting) and OPI (Over the Phone Interpreting) can provide interpreting and translation services from anywhere in the world. Video Remote Interpreters and immigration interpreters are making a huge impact that can go so far as saving lives. Here are just a few ways their efforts are being put to use:
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Community Interpreting Training & Why Our Program Is So Effective
Community interpreting is a type of interpreting service that is often provided by local governments or organizations to large numbers of ethnic minorities. Allowing all who don't speak the official or dominant language access to communicate with and understand service providers. Community interpreting training prepares students to become competent interpreters, who can work in multiple different fields including: business, government affairs, legal issues, education, industry, social services and public relations. Certified community interpreters impact their communities greatly by increasing language accessibility or the idea that anyone should be able to easily access, benefit from and understand what is being said at any public event or by private hire.
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Medical Interpreting Training & 3 Ways Our Program is Different
Medical interpreting training has become more in demand than ever. For those who are bilingual- with a fluency in English and another language- becoming a medical interpreter can be a lucrative career opportunity with the proper training. While there are many different fields to choose from in the interpreting world: legal, immigration, community and medical- it is important to know: where you want to focus your training, how much time and money you can devote to your pursuit, and at what level you want to be certified. Our online medical interpreter training program is a comprehensive, 60-hour training course, that exceeds official medical interpreter exam requirements. These days, there are hundreds if not thousands of different preparation courses, and depending on which institution you take your exam with, those requirements can change what sets our program apart from the rest?
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Interpreting Love Languages Into Meaningful Valentine’s Date Ideas
Interpreting your partner's love language can be difficult. Whether it is acts of service, words of affirmation, gift giving, quality time or physical touch- everyone has a different way of showing their love. One of our intrinsic, most basic needs as human beings is feeling loved by the people close to us, and the sense of belonging that brings. To have a successful, flourishing and meaningful relationship you must understand your own love language, and what makes you feel loved, as it is to understand and speak your partners'. Caring about the people in our lives is a very personal thing. You know you care; but you have to show your feelings, preferably every day. It's so easy to get so wrapped up in our own lives, that we end up waiting until Valentine's day or an anniversary to say how we feel. While online interpreting school can give you the skills to start a meaningful interpreting career, we can't teach you how to speak your partners' love language. We can teach you the skills needed to start a career in medical interpreting, but when it comes to speaking another love language....well, we don't have a course for that. As for right now, we can offer you
Meaningful Date Ideas For Each Love Language:
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Court Interpreting, Language Justice and Covid-19
Court Interpreting, like every occupation and industry, has had to evolve with the challenges presented by Covid-19. When public health mandates required a reduction of foot-traffic in public spaces, court interpreting moved largely online via technology allowing for remote interpreting services like VRI (Video Remote Interpreting) and OPI (Over the Phone Interpreting). Courts started using AI through virtual assistants, and multiple courts started using tech for jury operations. Court interpreters have heavily relied on courts enhancing tech infrastructure to meet the demands of a modern, and socially distanced society. Which begs the question: how has language justice been affected by Covid-19, and what role does technology play in court interpreting?
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Phone Interpreting: 3 Do’s & Don’ts for Immigration Interpreters
Phone Interpreting or Over the Phone Interpreting (OPI) is quickly demonstrating the importance of providing language accessibility services. Phone Interpreting is a popular form of remote interpreting, that allows the interpreter to provide services without needing to be being physically present themselves. As we continue to live through a worldwide pandemic with all the conveniences of modern technology, remote interpreting services like OPI and VRI (Video Remote Interpreting) are essential. According to the latest census bureau statistics (2020), there are currently 329.5 million people living in the United States, where 85.7 million or 26% account for the resident immigrant population; of whom 17 million report speaking a language other than English. Regardless of whether their stay will be permanent or not, they will require legal services and need to communicate with people outside of their family; in addition to the medical attention that human beings sometimes require, especially during a global pandemic. When it comes to increasing language accessibility services during immigration proceedings, phone and remote interpreting services provide the tools required for expansion. Whether you are considering a career switch or just starting out, here are some Do's and Don'ts to keep in mind while on the job:
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Certified Community Interpreters, VRI and Law Enforcement
Certified community interpreters provide interpreting as a public services and strive to bring language accessibility to communities that are struggling with language barriers. Their work is extremely important for Limited English Proficiency (LEP) communities across the world; especially when the consequences of misunderstanding an officer can be dangerous. The goal for community interpreters is to effectively translate both sides of the conversation to create a smoother, more comfortable interaction for everyone involved. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, every profession has recently moved to a remote platform, resulting in a heightened demand for Video Remote Interpreting technology. Consisting of cameras, microphones and high-speed internet connection, interpreters can provide sign language or spoken language translating services remotely. Modern video conference technology allows community interpreters to communicate for the LEP individual during police stops happening hundreds of miles away. In this day and age, highly televised police interactions and their subsequent protests that involve racial or ethnic minorities, continue to illustrate the importance for law enforcement to build trusting relationships with the communities they serve.
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Becoming Certified In Legal Interpreting Requires 3 Important Skills
Becoming certified in legal interpreting takes a lot of hard work, but offers a rewarding career. Bilingual individuals who can demonstrate fluency in another language (can speak, read, write and understand formal and informal versions of the language) in addition to English, can find meaningful work with online legal interpreter training. While some interpreters may strictly interpret what is spoken- legal interpreters will most likely work as translators as well. In the most simple terms, the main difference between interpretation and translation is that interpreting deals with spoken language in real time and translation focuses on written content. In addition to ensuring verbal and written communication is top notch, communication in courtroom proceedings is understandably more complex than in everyday life. For example, legal language training must include legal terminology, formal and informal registers of speech, as well as dialect and jargon in both English and the translated language. Online legal interpreter training provides the building blocks for the level of confidence that is required in the courtroom to become successful, by equipping students with 3 important interpreting skills:
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3 Signs Our Medical Interpreter Training Program Is Right For You
Our online medical interpreter training program is designed with you in mind. This 60-hour, 7-week training course was developed to enable participants to become competent medical interpreters. Taught by live instructors, our highly engaging and interactive webinars are easy to access wherever you are in the world. Crafted by qualified and respected professionals in the field, our course is divided into 3 parts: Medical Interpreter Core Competency (covering basic concepts and strategies delivered in English), Anatomy and Physiology (delivered in English) and Language Coaching (including language practice and role-plays in the target language). If you have reliable internet connection, here are 3 signs this course may be for you:
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Interpreter Courses and 3 Tips to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions
Interpreter courses are some of the most common New Years' resolutions. No matter what calendar reads, some of the most common resolutions of all time involve learning a new skill, saving more money and pursuing a new career. It's clear that the promise of a new year brings sparks hope for self improvement. Studies show that 60% of people struggle with keeping New Years Resolutions- which is unfortunate because I have no trouble keeping my own resolutions until March. Why do so many New Years Resolutions fail year after year? The answer is complex and could come down 1 or multiple things out of infinite reasons. Whether you want to learn a new skill, save more money, pursue a new career or all 3 in 2022, online interpreter courses can satisfy them all and here are 3 Tips to Help You Keep Your New Year's Resolutions:
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Interpreter Training, Christmas Folklore and Santa’s Evil Friends
By now, we have all heard the song Santa Claus is coming to town, and the not-so-subtle threats that children should behave and be nice, or else Santa will put you on the naughty list. On the surface, the threats seem harmless and even cute, but have you wondered what Santa does with all those naughty children? Is the threat just that Santa won't give a gift to a naughty child, or is it a threat of something more sinister? For the answer, we have to look at Santa's evil brother who actually travels with good ol' saint Nick on December 24.
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Community Interpreting Courses for Remote Work in 3 Top Industries
Online community interpreting courses prepare students for work in a variety of different fields. Enabling individuals who don't speak English to communicate with social service providers in public, medical and legal settings, community interpreting courses offer many job opportunities after completing certification. Our online Business & Community interpreter training course will prepare students for a career in the public sector with corporate businesses, in education, in hospitals and with law enforcement etc. With Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) and Over the Phone Interpreting (OPI) services becoming more accessible, interpreters are no longer required to be physically present during interpreting sessions meaning more job prospects and more clients. Providing vital services to communities with large minority populations, here are the top 3 industries for remote community interpreters to find meaningful work:
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Court Interpreter Certifications and VRI
Court interpreter certifications and their requirements are varied but are essential to ensure the highest quality of service to clients. If you are bilingual and want to make a difference in the United States legal system, court interpreting could provide a meaningful career path for you. Passionate about setting you up for success in your new path, we can prepare you for your next step at becoming a legal interpreter and providing your services to those in need. The court has 3 main categories classifying interpreters:
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Is Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) the Future of Medicine?
It is no secret that the lack of language accessibility in immigration and medicine, has been a major barrier for Hospitals in terms of delivering accurate, and quality care to limited English proficient (LEP) individuals; especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. With Video Remote Interpreting services becoming more readily available, hospital emergency rooms are some of the first locations to experience the benefits with LEP persons.
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Interpreter School, Language Accessibility & Covid-19
Interpreter school and the demand for online interpreter training has intensified in demand during the Coronavirus pandemic. Since the start of 2020 we have all struggled and experienced some level of loss as a result. Looking back, there is a clear demarcation of life before, during and hopefully life after Covid. The health crisis has had a way of exacerbating issues- in every industry- that went long unaddressed yet suddenly demanded immediate solutions. Language accessibility or the lack thereof, is one of many issues Covid-19 highlighted in the healthcare industry.
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Online ESL Classes & Hacking Your Way to Understanding
Learning English in any setting, including online ESL classes (English as a Second Language) is difficult, regardless of learning level. Beginners and advanced learners all have trouble mastering the language at some point, simply because English is one of the most challenging languages to learn on Earth. Even if you have studied English for many years and understand the rules, can read, write and speak well- you can still find yourself getting lost in a group of native speakers; who speak too fast, use too much slang or break all the grammar rules you memorized.
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Medical Interpreting Classes to Prevent Halloween Horror Stories
To enroll or not to enroll? This decision, especially for someone with a bilingual background and aging loved ones, becomes more relevant with each passing year. The more we age, the more medical attention is required which ends up costing more and more money. It is understandable why some people may ask an untrained friend or family member to interpret, but the cost of doing so could potentially be fatal.
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Immigration Interviews: A Guide for New Interpreters
Finding an immigration interpreter can be challenging for non-English speaking individuals. How do you make sure you are contactable and how do you provide unique quality service?
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Immigration Interpreting and 3 Language Accessibility Challenges
Under federal law every government agency receiving federal funds- including state and local agencies- must make a reasonable effort to provide meaningful language access for Limited English Proficiency (LEP) individuals. These requirements apply to everyone residing in the United States, including those in the immigration system. While immigration interpreting is available, just how accessible is the immigration process especially for indigenous LEP individuals?
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Community Interpreter Training & the 3 Industries in Need
Community Interpreter Training is perpetually increasing in demand and popularity for bilingual individuals worldwide. Once certified, community interpreters can find work in a number of different industries, bridging the gap between foreign and native communities.
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5 Common Q&A’s About Legal Interpreting Training
If you or someone you know resides in the United States, and is bilingual in languages like Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian, Chinese, Haitian Creole, Vietnamese, to name a few, and is interested in working with Foreign Nationals, our Court Interpreter Course may be an exciting new opportunity.
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5 Reasons to Take Our Introduction to Interpreting Training Course
5 Reasons to Take Our Introduction to Interpreting Training Course...
1. Our Introduction to Interpreting Training Course is Backed by Experience
In the 30 years Language Connections has offered the
Become A Language Interpreter For School Children With IEPs
Become a language interpreter for school children and create a rewarding career as a bilingual adult. According to a 2021 report by the National Center for Education Statistics (NECS), 10.6% of United States public school students were English Learners (ELs). In other words, 5.3 million US students reported having a Limited English Proficiency (LEP) as of 2021. For context, there were roughly 50 million students were enrolled in public elementary school the same year. Some may look at the 5.3 million LEP student statistic and think "that's a small number in comparison to the total students enrolled, so who cares about the minority?" According to the 2022 U.S census bureau, that number of LEP students (5.3 million) is still higher than the entire population of South Carolina (5.1 million residents) as of 2022. It is also higher than the entire residents of Los Angeles, CA (3.9 million people). It's even higher than small countries like Costa Rica (5 million people) and Ireland (4.9 million people). All humans are born with the capacity for empathy. Because it is just like any other muscle we are born with... it must be exercised, or it could atrophy. So what can you do about the 5.3 million school aged students who can speak little to no English?
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Language Translator & Computer Assisted Translation Software
Language translator professionals use different Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) software for their work. For the language translator, CAT refers to the various different software that assist human translators. These tools are created by humans- meaning they need human interference to function. These programs employ different features to make language translating easier for human use. Machine Translation (MT) on the other hand, is a computer that works independently, with limited human interaction. This equipment listens to human conversation and produces translations on its own. So really, the only human interaction is either in the pre or post editing phase of a project.
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Public Service Interpreting Shouldn’t Include Your Family
Public service interpreting work occurs wherever individuals connect with their communities. Their "office building" is any public space in that community. Officially, public service interpreters facilitate conversation between Limited English Proficient (LEP) people and the public institutions from which they require services, skills or information. Such institutions can include public libraries, local courtrooms or public schools and anything in between. Unofficially, they use their skills to help LEP individuals- or those with disabilities- to receive accurate information and access essential services from public institutions.
For these client populations, family members are often present at your public service interpreting appointments- usually to provide emotional support for your client. Which is a reasonable thing to expect, and is relatable on a basic human level to want support... as long as that is where the family member's role begins and ends. Because for this clientele specifically, family members often double as interpreters. Which can present some problems of it's own...
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Translator Training Emphasizing Translation Memory Is Vital
Translator training isn't the same everywhere you go. With so many options, it can feel like a lot of pressure to pick the right one. Before providing payment, there are a few questions you should know the answer to... Do you want to learn from a real teacher, who can provide feedback in the moment? Or do you want to teach yourself, through videos and readings from a cheap online course? Do you value gaining experience through learning at an internship? How do you want to use your translation certificate at the end of the course? Do you feel it is necessary to learn industry technology like translation memory?
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