
Video Remote Interpreters Are Needed to Help Ukrainian Refugees








Video Remote Interpreters (VRI) who have obtained official court interpreter certifications can make a meaningful impact during global conflicts like we are seeing in Ukraine. When geo-political crises break out, other parts of the world become affected by the conflict in a variety of different ways. From food supply shortages around the world, to immigration into neighboring countries- there is a certain level of human responsibility involved in how other countries respond to current events. When assisting with humanitarian crises abroad, a certified immigration interpreter who is trained to operate remote interpreting systems like VRI (Video Remote Interpreting) and OPI (Over the Phone Interpreting) can provide interpreting and translation services from anywhere in the world. Video Remote Interpreters and immigration interpreters are making a huge impact that can go so far as saving lives. Here are just a few ways their efforts are being put to use:


1. Video Remote Interpreters Use Simultaneous Interpreting Skills to Spread Ukrainian Messages

When Ukraine's president Volodymyr Zelensky is seen on western news channels, or when we read about or hear our news anchors reporting on diplomatic conversations between Ukraine and Russia; all three types of interpretation including consecutive, sight and especially simultaneous interpreting are at play. Simultaneous interpreting is a verbal skill, where interpreters relay conversations from one language to another in the moment. Arguably one of the hardest forms of interpreting, it is best taught from real-time interactions with expert instructors who can correct on the spot and in the moment. Our uniquely designed online video remote interpreting classes use webinar formatted classes to prepare students for a rewarding career in remote interpreting.


2. Reuniting Displaced Families With Video Remote Interpreting

Immigration Interpreting Services

As the Ukrainian-Russian conflict continues to pervade throughout the Ukrainian countryside, more people and families become displaced. A tragic, yet harsh reality for citizens living in war-torn countries around the globe. By using modern VRI and OPI technology, interpreters can be utilized by people wishing to locate and reunite with their family members who have been displaced by the ongoing war. Should Ukrainian citizens find refuge in a bordering country, remote interpreters can be useful in communicating with countries who have been taking in refugees to locate loved ones.


3. Video Remote Interpreting Services in Refugee Camps

When political conflicts break out, people flee to bordering countries seeking refuge. Camps are set up to provide food, water and medical attention to those in need. Video Remote Interpreters can provide services regardless of where they physically are. In these situations, medical interpreting can be conducted by those certified to use VRI and OPI technology.


During times of war, legal, immigration, and medical interpreting services can be provided by using VRI and OPI technology to assist those in need. With conflict that is specifically happening in Ukraine, diplomatic interpreting and translation services are needed more than ever. Students of our Video Remote Interpreting courses can find a variety of meaningful career paths after the successful completion of our training course and passing subsequent certification exams. Our goal is to provide meaningful training that is required- whether you go on to pursue official certification or not. All of our classes are conducted via live webinar formatting which offers the conveniences of online courses and the comprehensive learning that comes from in person classes. On the spot feedback, correction and implementation during real-life role play sets our students up for success after completing any of our courses.

If you or someone you know is interested in our online Video Remote Training Program with live instructors, our classes are offered in SpanishPortugueseArabicRussianChineseHaitian Creole or Vietnamese languages.

Get the necessary online interpreter training in order to become a competent professional interpreter. Register now for one of our online interpreter training programs: Online Medical Interpreter TrainingOnline Legal Interpreter Training,Online Immigration Interpreter Training, Business & Community Interpreter Training

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Molly Romano Remote Copywriter

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