
The Community Interpreter & 4 Reasons They Are Important


The community interpreter is an interpreter who provides interpreting and translation services for public or social benefit. Working in a wide variety of industries, community interpreters can specialize in immigration, social security, healthcare, family services, law, or private business sectors to name a few. Anticipating and meeting the needs of a wide range of clients can be rewarding and stressful at the same time. For instance, they are often a vital life-line for Limited English Proficient (LEP) communities and are more likely to work with an illiterate clientele. Many professionals obtain official interpreter certification after completing the required 45-hour business & community interpreter training course. With the increasing demand for bilingual and multilingual interpreters, the community interpreter can find meaningful work anywhere in the world. With the advancements of modern society, certified community interpreters are finding their services are becoming more widely accessible with VRI (Video Remote Interpreting) and OPI (Over the Phone Interpreting) technology. What sets them apart from other interpreters?



1. The Community Interpreter Must Have An Area of Expertise 📊

The community interpreters' main job is to interpret or translate messages between people who don't share a common language, so that public services can be accessed by everyone regardless of their ability to understand. In addition to being bilingual or multilingual and relaying conversation, they must have an understanding of the public service being used. Helping to deliver meaningful public service in educational, healthcare or social settings the community interpreter must have extensive cultural knowledge and sensitivity.


2. The Community Interpreter Can Find Work Anywhere 🏩

Immigration Interpreting Services

After the successful completion of an online business & community interpreter course, the community interpreter can find impactful work in an array of specialties ranging from public housing, hospitals, legal settings, and for private businesses- especially construction. They can take their work remotely and provide services as a Video Remote Interpreter (VRI) and work in foreign countries as well, making language more accessible every day.


3. The Community Interpreter Can Change Lives 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

Finding services and being able to access them is an enormous challenge for many refugees and displaced families. By removing the language barrier, more people are able to access the services they require. Whether it is helping with the immigration process, or interpreting the details of an accident for a doctor- community interpreters can change the course of someone's life, or at the very least, make someone's life easier.


4. For The Community Interpreter, Work Is Never Done 💼

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As any specialist can attest, continuing education is vital for career longevity. By continuing education with VRI and OPI training, the community interpreter always has room to grow in their field. With online interpreter training courses, those who are bilingual and multilingual can find a meaningful career serving their community after completing their training. After training, they can obtain official interpreter certification, or continue education into other areas of specialty. The field is open with opportunity!





Our 45-hour online business and community interpreter training course is taught via LIVE webinar formatting by expert instructors. Giving you the best online learning experience possible, we offer students the opportunity to change their lives for the better and set themselves up for success- whether they choose to get official certification or not. There are many different pathways to success, you just have to choose one. If you or someone you know is interested in any of our online interpreter training classes, they are offered in SpanishPortugueseArabicRussianChineseHaitian Creole or Vietnamese languages.

Get the necessary online interpreter training in order to become a competent professional interpreter. Register now for one of our online interpreter training programs: Online Medical Interpreter TrainingOnline Legal Interpreter Training,Online Immigration Interpreter Training, Business & Community Interpreter Training

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Molly Romano Remote Copywriter

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