
Certified Community Interpreters, VRI and Law Enforcement



Certified community interpreters provide interpreting as a public services and strive to bring language accessibility to communities that are struggling with language barriers. Their work is extremely important for Limited English Proficiency (LEP) communities across the world; especially when the consequences of misunderstanding an officer can be dangerous. The goal for community interpreters is to effectively translate both sides of the conversation to create a smoother, more comfortable interaction for everyone involved. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, every profession has recently moved to a remote platform, resulting in a heightened demand for Video Remote Interpreting technology. Consisting of cameras, microphones and high-speed internet connection, interpreters can provide sign language or spoken language translating services remotely. Modern video conference technology allows community interpreters to communicate for the LEP individual during police stops happening hundreds of miles away. In this day and age, highly televised police interactions and their subsequent protests that involve racial or ethnic minorities, continue to illustrate the importance for law enforcement to build trusting relationships with the communities they serve.



How Can Certified Community Interpreters Use VRI Technology to Help Law Enforcement?

Becoming more diverse every day, there are an estimated 47 million immigrants currently living in the United States. As a result of the rising non-English speaking population, accessibility to language services should logically increase as well. Whether it is upon arrival, at an immigration proceeding or during a police stop immigrants living in the United States can, unfortunately, expect to experience a police encounter at some point. But with the LEP and immigrant communities growing so rapidly, so do the challenges to police work. Some of the biggest barriers law enforcement faces when it comes to these communities are language barriers, a fear and lack of trust in police, a violation of rights, and cultural differences. Having access to certified community interpreters by using VRI technology can diffuse tense interactions, ensure accuracy of information, and create a more comfortable experience for everyone involved. Many states have encouraged the use of qualified community interpreters who have at minimum, attended a community interpreter course or earned a community interpreter certificate.

Police stations are hiring more bilingual officers and using VRI technology as they recognize the value it can bring to the force. As we continue to live through the COVID-19 pandemic the demand for remote work rises. Certified community interpreters who see the value in VRI technology can find themselves in a desirable position to find work. Professional interpreting is an invaluable and versatile profession that furthers global trade and local communication between cultures. Our 7-week Community and Business Interpreting Certificate Training Program will prepare individuals to become professional interpreters who are qualified to interpret at business meetings, negotiations and presentations, for state agencies, municipal agencies, local government and non-governmental organizations, investigators, union representatives, advertising firms, news media, and police departments.

If you or someone you know is interested in our online Business & Community Interpreter Training Course with live instructors, our classes are offered in SpanishPortugueseArabicRussianChineseHaitian Creole or Vietnamese languages.

Get the necessary online interpreter training in order to become a competent professional interpreter. Register now for one of our online interpreter training programs: Online Medical Interpreter TrainingOnline Legal Interpreter Training,Online Immigration Interpreter Training, Business & Community Interpreter Training

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Molly Romano Remote Copywriter

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