
Immigration Interpreting For Legal Assistants


Immigration interpreting for bilingual adults is a great career path for those looking to change their career or progress in it. By building off of the language skills you already possess, while learning specialized interpreter skills, techniques & terminology- students are able to find success long after immigration interpreter training has ended. For bilingual adults who aspire to give back to their communities, providing interpreting services to LEP (Limited English Proficient) adults can be rewarding.

An LEP adult is someone who speaks little to no English, and they are often one of the most under-served communities in the United States. Providing immigration interpreting services during legal proceedings is one of the best ways to bring language justice to the immigrant population in the United States. Language justice is the idea that everyone deserves to understand and be understood- in all aspects of public life- regardless of where you were born.

"Delivering language justice" means that there is a person responsible for making sure that immigration interpreters are available during concerts and forums, that official government forms are translated etc. Because every member of the community has the same right to the same information that everyone else has. Here's 3 ways immigration interpreting is helpful for those who aspire to work as legal assistants or similar positions:


3 Ways immigration interpreting is helpful for bilingual legal assistants


1. Unique experience & insight

Our immigration interpreter training course teaches essential industry terminology that you will be exposed to as a legal assistant or paralegal. As you will be working directly with clients, you will be able to connect with them on a level that others can't. With our training, you will not only be more prepared but confident and have unique insight that you can bring to your interpreting assignments.


2. Building trust & instilling confidence

immigration interpreting, Healthcare interpreting, Immigration Translators, translator certificate, Language interpretersWhen you have confidence in yourself it shows. Completing an immigration interpreter course will teach the techniques, skills, vocabulary and training needed to be successful. And when your clients see you thriving in your role, they invest their trust in you. For someone who speaks little to no English, the immigration process is intimidating. But having someone they can rely upon and communicate with helps them to feel less isolated and confident throughout the process.


3. Creating a sense of community

An immigration interpreter certificate helps bilingual adults to make a difference. When Limited English Proficient (LEP) people are going through the immigration process, it cannot be understated how isolating that experience can be. Bilingual legal assistants who work in immigration settings, are able to provide resources to those in need. Whether it's making connections or just lending an ear, bilingual legal assistants become better at their jobs when they see the direct impact of their work. And an immigration interpreter certification can do just that.



Our online translator classes are taught by expert instructors ✅ who have real-world experience in their interpreting specialty. They have worked hard to make fully remote online courses that are unique and engaging ✅ using a hands-on approach that is unparalleled by the competition. If you or someone you know is interested in our online Medical Interpreter Training Programs with live instruction✅, our fully remote yet real time classes ✅ are offered in SpanishPortugueseArabicRussianChineseHaitian Creole, Vietnamese, Farsi, French, Hindi, Korean, Somali, Urdu, Ukrainian languages online and onsite.

Get the necessary online interpreter training in order to become a competent professional interpreter. Register now for one of our online interpreter training programs: Online Medical Interpreter TrainingOnline Legal Interpreter Training,Online Immigration Interpreter Training, Business & Community Interpreter Training

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Molly Romano Remote Copywriter

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