
Immigration Translators & 3 Kinds Of People They Work With


Immigration translators are bilingual adults who have made a career by facilitating communication between someone who speaks little to no English, and another person or entity (a government official, a lawyer etc). Immigration translators have to be fluent in English and another language and possess the knowledge, experience and extensive vocabulary in both languages in order to successfully relay communication. Whether it is done remotely- by using special equipment like VRI (Video Remote Interpreting) or OPI (Over the Phone Interpreting)- or in person, immigration translators are expected to be experts at simultaneous interpreting and all the other skills and techniques taught during immigration interpreter school. These interpreting services can include: translating documents, attending immigration proceedings, assisting social workers and so much more. After putting in the time and effort it takes to receive an immigration interpreter certificate, immigration translators can work with a wide range of clients and professionals on a daily basis. Here's 3 kinds of people who benefit from their work:



Immigration translators work with 3 different kinds of people:


1. Immigration translators help asylum seekers and other Limited English Proficient (LEP) clients

Whether it is people seeking asylum from their war-torn country or fleeing a natural disaster - between October and November 2022, there were 30,000 new cases of asylum seekers throughout the United States alone. Refugee translators and immigration interpreters have a responsibility to provide interpreting services to everyone- even if they aren't seeking asylum. Anyone who isn't documented will require immigration translators to help whether or not they plan on staying in the United States long-term.


2. Immigration translators can work with other professionals

Immigration Translators, translator certificate, Language interpretersImmigration translators might have required the same help they are now looking to provide others. Maybe they came to the United States as a Limited English Proficient (LEP) minor, who ended up learning English and now want to make a successful interpreting career as a bilingual adult. Or maybe a couple requires immigration translators to be at their immigration interviews. Every day is different, but an immigration interpreter certification will allow immigration translators to work with social services, paralegals, courts and other institutions to provide language justice to those in need- including educational interpreting as well!


3. Immigration translators work with temporary clients too

As of 2023, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reported more than 850,000 foreign visitors overstayed their visas- barring there offenders from returning to the United States for 3 - 10 years depending on the period of "unlawful presence." Nearly 10% of overstays are committed by people in the United States holding student visas. It also happens with other kinds of short-term visas as well, that working professionals rely upon. Immigration interpreter training gives bilingual adults the knowledge to be able to translate and work in official meetings that require a higher level of language proficiency.


Our online translator classes are taught by expert instructors ✅ who have real-world experience in their interpreting specialty. They have worked hard to make fully remote online courses that are unique and engaging ✅ and use a hands-on approach that is unparalleled by the competition. If you or someone you know is interested in our online Medical Interpreter Training Programs with live instruction✅, our fully remote yet real time classes ✅ are offered in SpanishPortugueseArabicRussianChineseHaitian Creole, Vietnamese, Farsi, French, Hindi, Korean, Somali, Urdu, Ukrainian languages online and onsite.

Get the necessary online interpreter training in order to become a competent professional interpreter. Register now for one of our online interpreter training programs: Online Medical Interpreter TrainingOnline Legal Interpreter Training,Online Immigration Interpreter Training, Business & Community Interpreter Training

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Molly Romano Remote Copywriter

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