
Healthcare Interpreting With The Heart In Mind


Healthcare interpreting is a fantastic career for bilingual adults. Whether you enter it as a side-hustle, or as a full-time career it provides many different paths and opportunities for growth. Many take our standard medical interpreter training course and make successful careers without any additional instruction. Others elect to continue their education with our advanced medical interpreting course, to prepare for their medical interpreters licensing examination. It cannot be stressed enough that advanced interpreter training consists of additional training that is not required to become a medical interpreter. You don't have to continue your training, or pursue a medical interpreters' license to be successful.

The students who do continue their training, do so because they aspire to work for hospitals, an agency, or because they want to specialize their training. Just like doctors choose a specialty, medical interpreters can choose a specialization as well. A medical interpreting specialization could include anything from orthopedics, to radiology, to cardiology or anything in between. For those who choose cardiology, there are certain advantages you can offer clients that other healthcare interpreters cannot. Here are 3 ...


Choosing a healthcare interpreting specialization in cardiology benefits interpreters and clients in 3 key ways:

1- It makes you an expert interpreter

A healthcare interpreting specialization in cardiology means more hours of studying. After completing the standard medical interpreting course students will spend an additional 5 weeks of class making sense of complicated terms. You will learn how to define and correctly pronounce specialized terms, and cardiovascular abbreviations from expert instructors. At the end of the accelerated course, the knowledge we have taught you will help you pass your medical interpreters licensing exam- making you an expert at healthcare interpreting.

2- Experts are more sought after

Healthcare interpreting, Immigration Translators, translator certificate, Language interpretersAdvanced medical interpreting training gives healthcare interpreters more credibility, especially when you choose a cardiology specialization. Patients who have a Limited English Proficiency (LEP) or who can't speak English at all, are at an unfortunate disadvantage in the U.S. healthcare system. In 2022, the American College of Cardiology conducted a study and discovered that patients' didn't have a clear understanding of their condition and its' severity. Medical language interpreters who choose a specialization in cardiology often have more clients due to their specialization.

3- A higher quality of service for your clients

Healthcare interpreting is a challenging, yet rewarding career for bilingual adults. Becoming a medical interpreter allows the Limited English Proficient (LEP) client to have a better experience in the U.S. healthcare system. Because unfortunately, not having an interpreter means not having someone there to advocate or help explain. Just having a medical interpreter in the room improves a LEP patients' experience by 60%. Language accessibility means vulnerable communities are able to receive a similar quality of care as everyone else. And in healthcare interpreting, that can mean becoming a specialist yourself.




Our online translator classes are taught by expert instructors ✅ who have real-world experience in their interpreting specialty. They have worked hard to make fully remote online courses that are unique and engaging ✅ using a hands-on approach that is unparalleled by the competition. If you or someone you know is interested in our online Medical Interpreter Training Programs with live instruction✅, our fully remote yet real time classes ✅ are offered in SpanishPortugueseArabicRussianChineseHaitian Creole, Vietnamese, Farsi, French, Hindi, Korean, Somali, Urdu, Ukrainian languages online and onsite.

Get the necessary online interpreter training in order to become a competent professional interpreter. Register now for one of our online interpreter training programs: Online Medical Interpreter TrainingOnline Legal Interpreter Training,Online Immigration Interpreter Training, Business & Community Interpreter Training

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Molly Romano Remote Copywriter

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