
Interpreter School Is Still Important Even With A.I


Interpreter school gives bilingual adults the skills and knowledge necessary to become professional language interpreters. Already skilled communicators means that students can carry a normal conversation in more than one language. But a career as a medical interpreter requires specialized knowledge you don't normally use. Covering topics like complex functions of the body, medical terminology and basic medical principles in both languages. Regardless how long you have studied a language, it is unlikely that you would have learned such highly specific linguistic knowledge outside of a medical interpreter certification program.

A medical interpreter certification teaches you how to communicate with doctors, understand what they are saying in one language, and repeat it to their patient in another language. It teaches you how to do all of this in an instant, and how to do so with confidence. These days, medical interpreters utilize Artificial Intelligence (A.I). It can make interactions more seamless and easier to understand. It can record and save transcripts of official conversations. It can do a lot in a short amount of time that would take humans a lot longer to do. But can it replace a human interpreter? Can A.I actually take over all of the medical interpreting jobs that humans need? Do you even need interpreter school if A.I is going to take over?!


"Yes! You still need to enroll in interpreter school and get your medical interpreter certification... especially with A.I"

It is truly amazing to think about how much technology has advanced in just a few short years. With readily available tech like Alexa, Siri, ChatGPT, drones and many others, A.I has made its way into our everyday lives. When we talk about A.I in the context of medical interpreting, we're really talking about translation localization software. Which is a machine that listens to, records and transcribes human conversation from one language to another.

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The truth is that most if not all language professionals are already utilizing A.I in their everyday jobs. In fact, our language translation certificate course teaches students how to work with it when translating written text. Why do we offer this? Because A.I is a tool for humans to use, not a replacement for humans.

Language is a human construct, created by and constantly evolving for human use. Artificial Intelligence (A.I) was developed in the early 1950s and has been learning from humans ever since. It still isn't close to replacing humans, anticipating human conversation and making it seem human-like. Apart from that, think about the astronomical cost required to deploy enough of these robots to every single hospital. How many do you think would be needed at each hospital to replace professional medical interpreters? On top of that, hospitals would still need to pay actual humans to fix all those robots when they inevitably malfunction. It will probably take at least another several decades to get to that point. In the meantime, you should enjoy all the conveniences that A.I can offer in your future career as a medical interpreter or a medical translator. So get that medical interpreter certification!



Our online translator classes are taught by expert instructors ✅ who have real-world experience in their interpreting specialty. They have worked hard to make fully remote online courses that are unique and engaging ✅ using a hands-on approach that is unparalleled by the competition. If you or someone you know is interested in our online Medical Interpreter Training Programs with live instruction✅, our fully remote yet real time classes ✅ are offered in SpanishPortugueseArabicRussianChineseHaitian Creole, Vietnamese, Farsi, French, Hindi, Korean, Somali, Urdu, Ukrainian languages online and onsite.

Get the necessary online interpreter training in order to become a competent professional interpreter. Register now for one of our online interpreter training programs: Online Medical Interpreter TrainingOnline Legal Interpreter Training,Online Immigration Interpreter Training, Business & Community Interpreter Training

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Molly Romano Remote Copywriter

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