
Why are Certified Medical Interpreters the Safest Choice in a Medical Setting?

Using Family Members as Interpreters Could Put a Patient at Risk

It is not uncommon for non-English speaking patients to use their family members or friends as “interpreters” during medical emergencies or routine visits. However, this practice is completely inadvisable for patients and can also prove to be a major liability for medical institutions. Read more to learn...
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How to translate “I love you” into 25 different languages?

How do you say “I love you” in 25 different languages?

Being able to tell someone ‘I Love You’ sometimes is not easy in any relationship with friends, family, or a significant other. It can be an even more difficult when it happens to be in a foreign language that is not your own. Irish: Is breá...
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Side Effects of Not Using Medical Interpretation  

Side Effects of Not Using Medical Interpretation can be long lasting

  Most healthcare professionals know of at least one case where a hospital relied on untrained hospital staff, or a patient's relative or friend. The lack of adequate medical interpretation services created a risky situation and put a patient in harm's way. One such story is...
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