
Associate Interpreter Training For School Employees Is a Genius Move



Associate interpreter training involves providing your preexisting bilingual staff with interpreting training. Did you know that half of the world's population is bilingual? In fact, approximately 63 million United States residents or 20.5% of the overall population report being bilingual in English and another language- according to the census bureau. These findings are mirrored in that an estimated 22% of children or 12 million kids report speaking a language other than English at home. The implications of which reach beyond this article but with immigration trends continuing to increase, it is reasonable that those numbers continue to rise over time. Knowing all of this information is great, but what exactly is being done about it? How are schools rising to meet these challenges and how is associate interpreter training an asset to school districts?




Providing Business & Community Interpreting Courses to School Associates Pays Off 💸

Business and community interpreting courses train those bilingual in English and another language to become competent community interpreters. Although they can find work in all areas of their community- from government offices to medical offices- they frequently work in public school systems with Limited English Proficient (LEP) students and their parents.Associate interpreter training


Because many school districts already have multiple bilingual associates employed working in administrative and other roles, schools won't have to spend thousands✅ of dollars hiring translation agencies.


It makes complete logical sense, then, for schools to rely on their bilingual staff and invest in their development with professional associate interpreter training. Being able to communicate to LEP students and/or parents by implementing core competency interpreting skills is highly advantageous for schools. Core competency skills like sight translation- reading documents ✅ in English and speaking it in another language- and simultaneous interpreting- relaying conversation- is useful for parent-teacher conferences✅.

Once certified, the community interpreter can find additional work in almost any sector. Whether it's offering freelance opportunities, or finding employment in another role or field- employees benefit ✅ from the training, too. Countless studies show time and time again, that employees are more likely to stay employed with companies where they feel valued. During times like these, amid the great resignation, employers are scrambling to do everything they can to maintain top talent. By investing in their future with transferrable skills like providing translator certification for associates, schools save time and money✅ looking for replacements and onboarding them.


Our 45-hour interpreter training courses are completely customizable and provide a comprehensive approach to solving problems. Online programs are easily accessible via completely live and engaging webinars, and on-site interpreter training for employees are available at your local Massachusetts based business. If you or someone you know is interested in our online Business and Community Interpreter Training Program with live instructors or on-site, our classes are offered in SpanishPortugueseArabicRussianChineseHaitian Creole or Vietnamese languages.

Get the necessary online interpreter training in order to become a competent professional interpreter. Register now for one of our online interpreter training programs: Online Medical Interpreter TrainingOnline Legal Interpreter Training,Online Immigration Interpreter Training, Business & Community Interpreter Training


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Molly Romano Remote Copywriter

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