
5 Memory Exercises for Online Interpreting Training


Online interpreting training prepares bilingual students for a fulfilling career- whether you purse medical, legal, immigration, community or video remote interpreting training. Knowing which field you want to work is an important first step before registering for class. Highly focused on different subject matter, each course during online interpreter school has its own vocabulary, procedures and syllabus that do not translate into other fields of focus. Medical interpreters have a completely different subject matter from other students who are studying immigration interpreting; which is completely different than those who are pursuing a career in legal interpreting. After successfully completing our 60-hour online medical interpreter course students are prepared to EXCEED exam requirements✅  for official medical interpreter certification. Issued by an accredited entity, official certification is recommended in order to become a distinguished and in-demand interpreter. Students who do not wish to pursue this route can still find employment opportunities- especially for those who seek training hospital employees as medical interpreters- but should expect to earn less than peers who do. Medical interpreting training is a path that can lead bilingual individuals towards a rewarding career, and students must be prepared to put in the work required.

Each online interpreting training class operates through remote video conferencing technology ✅ that will help you get more out of your experience than with the self-guided courses our competition offers. Preparing for online interpreting training can be overwhelming for some and stressful for many.


Here Are 5 Memory Exercises to Help You Prepare For Online Medical Interpreter Training:


1.      Visualization 🖼

When studying complex medical scenarios, vocabulary- get a vivid picture in your head with as much detail as possible to accompany whatever you are trying to remember. When you are working as a medical interpreter, you will be working with a patient who is describing their symptoms to a doctor. Learn to associate pictures in your head to accompany vocabulary words to help you better with recall later.


2.      Segmentation 📝

This technique involved remembering sentences in smaller pieces so that information is easier to remember later on. We do this without thinking, especially with phone numbers, because we break them down into groups, and this same concept can be applied to verbal information. When listening to long dialogue, segmentation can look like grouping together different topics and points to help you remember.


3.      Memory Baiting 🎣Online Interpreting Training

Memory bating is the idea that you can associate multiple points or details with a few key ones you have already memorized. Just as you use a smaller fish you already have as bait to catch a larger one, we bait or connect one idea to another with this technique. For example, write down significant or technical words on a notepad in the order they were said. This will help you remember more difficult terminology and provide a visual timeline of the doctor's dialogue, giving you points to connect or "bait" other ideas onto.


4.      Doodle 🎨

Your grammar school teachers wouldn't allowed it, but research continues to show that doodling while listening to someone actually helps you concentrate! The theory states that people who sit and listen are more prone to getting distracted than those who keep their brain active with doodling while listening. Just make sure that you be discreet with clients, as patients or doctors may misinterpret doodles as not paying attention.


5.      Shadowing 👥

This technique involves listening to a speaker, pausing the audio during natural breaks and repeating exactly what was said. This would have to be practiced outside of actual medical interpreting assignments and class, but this works well with TV, YouTube videos or podcasts.


Regardless of which interpreting class you are thinking of signing up for, these memorization techniques can be especially useful throughout your class and your career. In addition to online training, we provide on-site interpreter training for small groups that can be customized to address your employees individual needs. If you or someone you know is interested in our online Interpreter Training Programs with live instructors, classes are offered in SpanishPortugueseArabicRussianChineseHaitian Creole or Vietnamese languages.

Get the necessary online interpreter training in order to become a competent professional interpreter. Register now for one of our online interpreter training programs: Online Medical Interpreter TrainingOnline Legal Interpreter Training,Online Immigration Interpreter Training, Business & Community Interpreter Training

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Molly Romano Remote Copywriter

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