Developing your interpreting skills online is just as effective as in-person lessons, and it costs less.
Language Connections’ online interpreter training is taught live by experienced interpreters and professional instructors who are subject matter experts in their field. Live instructors online are just more engaging than a software interpreter training program.

Live interpreter training instructors also create more accountability than self-paced software programs do. While quality self-paced interpreter training programs are available and may be less expensive, live interpreter training instructors will more quickly teach the interpreting skills you need to get a job as a professional medical, legal or community interpreter. That’s because our Interpreter training programs are based on interpreter’s core competencies that include interpreters’ standards of practice, code of ethics, anatomy and physiology, medical vocabulary and interpreter’s’ specific responsibilities and challenges.
When Should You Consider Online Interpreter Training?
- When in-person interpreter training programs are not available at the moment due to pandemic.
- When in-person interpreter training in your target language is not available in your area.
- When in-person interpreter training programs are not available in your area at all.
- When you want interpreter training classes outside of typical business hours.
- When you travel a lot.
In-person interpreter training Vs. online interpreter training
At Language Connections, we’re huge advocates of in-person interpreter training. But we also realize that there are times when a professional interpreter training instructor in the language you need just isn’t available in your area, or at a time that is convenient for you. Luckily, technology now makes interpreter training by professional instructors accessible no matter where you are located or when you need to take the interpreter training course.
What Can You Expect During Online Interpreter Training Classes?
Our highly engaging online interpreter training classes combined with live instructor led interactive webinars are easy to access from wherever you are.
The course introduces participants to interpreter roles and skills, interpreter ethics, and professional terminology in both English and the target language.
Our Online Medical Interpreter Training, Online Community Interpreter Training and Online Legal interpreter Training programs are the same online and in person.
Why Language Connections’ Online Interpreter Training Is Different
Language Connections’ Online Interpreter Training is so effective because it offers the same features as our on-site in person interpreter training classes including training with a live instructor.
The Online Interpreter Training course includes the following:
1. Interactive Webinars
Students study Interpreter's Core Competencies with our engaging and easy-to-follow live instructor-led interactive webinars
2. Language Practice with a live instructor
Students master their professional terminology and sharpen their interpreting skills in live practice sessions online with our native speaking language instructors.
3. Online Resources
Students can access their course resources, materials, videos and assignments from anywhere through your student portal.
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If you have any questions regarding our Interpreter Training Programs please contact Customer Service at:
Phone: (617) 277-1990.