A community translator certificate is a special thing that benefits so many more people than just the bilingual adult, and everyone they serve. The community interpreter is someone who provides interpreting and translation services in a wider range of situations than their colleague who chose a specialty; like medical or legal. With a specialization comes a deeper, microscopic dive into the vocabulary and concepts- whereas business and community interpreter training provides an opportunity for students to interpret in multiple situations, with a more generalized, macroscopic approach to interpret for a wide variety of purposes. The distinction here is very important, so to put it another way, think of a researcher who is studying how pollution changes a forest. They might use a microscope to study one specific, individual plant in the forest for a detailed look at how pollution changed that one plants' color or size. But a forest is not one individual plant, so she would need to zoom out and study the changes in all the plants there. This is a similar to how a community translator certificate benefits the singular person receiving interpreting services, and the impact it has on their community.
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Community Translator Certificate and 3 Ways It Gives Back