
Immigration Interpreter Certification and 3 Things To Do Afterwards

An immigration interpreter certification is obtained after bilingual adults students successfully complete our 45-hour online interpreter training class. Taught by expert instructors  who have real-world immigration interpreting experience, we provide a unique and engaging  approach to remote learning, through our 100% LIVE webinar style classes that allow students to interact with and ask questions in real time. During the course, bilingual adult students must learn the skills required to interpret every single word exactly as they are spoken- with 100% accuracy in both English and another language- all while listening to the speaker; which is often referred to as simultaneous interpreting. In addition to this, bilingual adult students must become experts at sight translation (the ability to translate documents), public speaking, and must know all the legal terminology that is used during immigration hearings and other proceedings. This is only a brief list of the skills good immigration interpreters must possess and could go on forever. The point is: an immigration interpreter plays a crucial role in their community and they must be experts at it before going out and working with real-world clients, to whom a single translation error has detrimental real-world consequences. But if you're reading this, you probably already know what an immigration interpreter does and are here to find out... What can you do with an immigration interpreter certification?
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Community Translator Certificate and 3 Ways It Gives Back

A community translator certificate is a special thing that benefits so many more people than just the bilingual adult, and everyone they serve. The community interpreter is someone who provides interpreting and translation services in a wider range of situations than their colleague who chose a specialty; like medical or legal. With a specialization comes a deeper, microscopic dive into the vocabulary and concepts- whereas business and community interpreter training provides an opportunity for students to interpret in multiple situations, with a more generalized, macroscopic approach to interpret for a wide variety of purposes. The distinction here is very important, so to put it another way, think of a researcher who is studying how pollution changes a forest. They might use a microscope to study one specific, individual plant in the forest for a detailed  look at how pollution changed that one plants' color or size. But a forest is not one individual plant, so she would need to zoom out and study the changes in all the plants there. This is a similar to how a community translator certificate benefits the singular person receiving interpreting services, and the impact it has on their community.
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Get An Online Translator Certification for A Thriving Remote Career

Getting an online translator certification is a decision that many bilingual adults are making later in life. When the world went into lockdown in 2020, almost everything moved to an online platform: classes, jobs, even doctor appointments took place over Zoom. Although quarantine mandates have lifted, and people have resumed their day-to-day lives within 6 feet, many people want to continue to working from home or going to school remotely; and this trend is showing no signs of stopping anytime soon. Specifically for bilingual adults looking for a career change, there is a unique opportunity to do both: attend interpreter school AND have remote career as a bilingual English interpreter- all from the comfort of your own home.
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Community Interpreter School: The Job & Why It’s Important

Community interpreter school is a worthwhile investment for bilingual adults who want to make a career change. In our modern world, working remote is not only a convenience but a necessity for many adults- especially for those without a reliable means of transportation, or who live in rural areas. Now more than ever, community interpreters and their services are required to are bridge the cultural divide between immigrants or refugees and U.S citizens. Amid the various global crises that cause people to leave their homes, the notices that jobs have been relocated and thousands more; there are a multitude of reasons that causes people to leave their country and head for the United States. The question then becomes: what happens when they arrive? How can they communicate when they don't speak English? 
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