
3 Goals For Bilingual Educational Interpreters At School


Bilingual educational interpreters at school have a very important job. Their primary goal ensures that non-English speaking students receive equivalent instruction to other students. But the educational interpreter must also determine whether students are struggling because they require special needs, or they struggle because they cannot understand English.

Every public school has a procedure that evaluates students for special needs. And they are required by law to develop an Individualized Education Program (IEP) that details what those special needs are, for each child. This law, unfortunately, doesn't apply to private schools. Which are very expensive, and private schools are the only ones that provide a dual language education program. So what about the students with an IEP who want to pursue a dual language education?

The unfortunate reality is that parents are often counseled to prioritize one over the other. And so, they are left to make a difficult choice: keep a child's heritage and language in tact, or provide them with the vital services and education they desperately need. Bilingual educational interpreters could be the answer, but it is important to fully understand what that truly means, and what schools are looking for when looking for school language interpreters.


3 things bilingual educational interpreters can do for schools:

1. create a more inclusive education experience for all

Community interpreter school, bilingual educational interpreters, educational interpreters, Community interpretersFor districts to consider hiring a school interpreter, there must be a recognized need for it. Educational interpreter jobs are most needed in areas with large immigrant populations. For bilingual adults to become a school language interpreter, they would be dedicating their careers towards helping a chronically underserved community. Historically speaking, when we focus on improving conditions for the marginalized, life gets better for everyone.

2. develop a comprehensive BSE assessment plan 

Part of your work as public service interpreting for schools, could certainly involve developing a Bilingual Special Education (BSE) program. Educational interpreters at school would have to work with special education teachers and school officials to accomplish this goal. But you could be part of developing a special education program for ELL students. Which is arguably one of the most marginalized groups of students in any school.

3. lower school dropout rate

Our educational interpreting course teaches bilingual adults how to become competent language interpreters for English Language Learners (ELLs) enrolled in an educational program of some kind. After completing interpreting training, our graduates help to keep English Language Learners (or ELL students) enrolled in school. Statistically speaking, ELL students are 3 times more likely to drop out of school than their English speaking peers.

Effectiveness of school programs is determined by graduation rates. In the United States, those same graduation rates determine how much public funding school districts are eligible to access. The amount of funding a school has access to, equates to the quality of education a child will receive when enrolled there. For schools with large immigrant student populations, lowering school dropout rate is quite literally the most important thing. For bilingual adults, becoming a language interpreter for schools could be one of the most impactful things you spend your life doing.



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Molly Romano Remote Copywriter

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