Category Archives: Blog

Why Medical Spanish Interpreting Is Important

Medical Spanish interpreting is a fast growing field in the United States; and ever since the outbreak of Covid-19 in 2020, Spanish medical interpreting hasn't been slowing down. By utilizing Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) and Over the Phone Interpreting (OPI) equipment, medical interpreters of all languages are able to expand their businesses, work with more clients and get more appointments than ever before - just as long as there is stable internet connection. For bilingual adults who are fluent in both Spanish and English, an online medical interpreting course builds upon those language skills you already have, allowing you to become competent and professional medical Spanish interpreters. And while all of our interpreting training programs go above and beyond what a typical remote interpreting training course includes, the more people experience a language accessible healthcare system, the better off everyone is in the long run.
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Interpreting Training For Bilingual Adults Is Unique!

Interpreting training can be a pathway to success for many bilingual adults. Many people think that in order to become a professional interpreter, you just need to be bilingual. And while this is a fundamental requirement, it isn't the only one. To become an interpreter, bilingual adults must have an firm understanding of both languages (English and the target language to be interpreted), and have the skill set required to be able to interpret in real-time with accuracy. For those who aspire to work in a specialized field like medical interpreting for example, having a complete understanding of professional vocabulary used in both languages, perfecting grammar in both languages, understanding the interpreter code of ethics, and the ability to interpret on the spot- in real-time- with accuracy are essential to doing the job correctly. We teach bilingual adults learn how to master all of this, and more in our online interpreter classes. Taught by expert instructors✅, all of our online interpreting training courses take place in real-time through LIVE video chat classes✅ that are structured in unique and engaging✅ ways to make remote learning a more enjoyable experience that self-guided courses simply cannot deliver.
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Arabic Medical Interpreting Training & 3 Ways Our Program Is Different

Our Arabic medical interpreting training program is the same as our Portuguese medical interpreter training. No matter which language you choose to study, students are learning the same interpreting skills, the same code of ethics, the same vocabulary and protocols, etc. Our bilingual adult students all receive the same training and level of attention from our instructors, regardless of the target language chosen at the time of registration. What makes our Arabic medical interpreting training program unique is the ways in which weOur Arabic medical interpreting training program is the same quality and covers the same content as our Portuguese medical interpreter training. No matter which language you choose to study, students are learning the same interpreting skills, the same code of ethics, the same vocabulary and protocols, etc. Our bilingual adult students all receive the same training and level of attention from our instructors, regardless of the target language chosen at the time of registration. What makes our Arabic medical interpreting training program unique is the ways in which we differ from other, similar companies...differ from other, similar companies.
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Portuguese Immigration Interpreters & 3 Ways They Make A Difference

Portuguese immigration interpreters can find loads of meaningful ways to give back to their communities- even if it's just by capitalizing off of their language skills! There are approximately 1.2 million Portuguese speakers in the United States, who range from fluent English speakers to Limited English Proficient (LEP); meaning that there is a large demand for bilingual Portuguese interpreters in the United States who can also speak English fluently. Despite the United States currently seeing the lowest illegal boarder crossing rates from Portuguese speaking countries in Latin America (like Brazil, Venezuela, Paraguay etc) more than half of those who are seeking asylum speak little to no English as it is. The good news is: for those bilingual adults looking for a career change, studying to become an immigration interpreter is an investment that can provide a job with purpose that is location independent, offers a better work-life balance and the potential for financial stability once certified.
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