
Spanish Medical Interpreting Training and Where It Is Needed

Spanish medical interpreting is one of the most popular professions, and one that is constantly in demand for qualified individuals in the United States. With approximately 11.6 million bilingual Spanish & English speakers living in the United States, studying to become a medical interpreter a rewarding career with ample opportunity. Working with Limited English Proficient (LEP) communities, Spanish-English medical interpreters allow those who speak little to no English to receive a higher standard of medical care, that they may not otherwise receive. Unfortunately, those who have been getting by without a medical translator certification have most likely been relying on bilingual relatives-often children- to interpret doctor appointments. And although being bilingual is a requirement for medical interpreting, there is so much more to the profession that you can only learn in medical interpreting classes. So what does Spanish medical interpreting training involve and where is it needed?
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Diversity and Inclusion Training…What Is It, and How Can It Help You?

From diversity and inclusion training to advanced medical interpreter training we have rolled out a few new course offerings recently. Although they both provide the tools to become a successful interpreter, both of these courses are slightly different than our standard curriculum. Advanced medical interpreting is a 30 hr supplemental medical interpreting course, meaning that students must enroll in our standard medical interpreting program (or an equivalent course) as a prerequisite requirement✅. As the name implies, advanced medical interpreting is an accelerated course that prepares students to pass NBCMI (National Board of Certification for Medical interpreters) or national medical interpreting exam for an official certification. Diversity and inclusion training on the other hand, is exactly what you think it is...or is it?
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Advanced Medical Interpreting Vs Standard- Which is Right For You?

With so many new class offerings added to the roster, it can be difficult to know which is right for you. From Diversity and Inclusion Training to Advanced Medical Interpreting, how do you decide which is right for you? Our standard Medical interpreter training class is 60-hours and 7 weeks worth of high-quality training and introduces students to medical terminology and concepts. For students interested in pursuing official medical interpreter certification - our Advanced Medical Interpreting program is now added to the curriculum. You might be reading this thinking: okay, tell me more- how are these 2 similar courses different? They actually are more different than they are alike and to answer that question, you must ask yourself first:
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National Medical Interpreting Exam Prep Course & What You Need To Know

Getting a medical translator certification (or medical interpreting certification) is a process, but a rewarding process for bilingual adults seeking to change their career. When one embarks on a journey to become a medical interpreter or translator, there are hundreds of medical interpreting training courses out there to choose from- but not all of them are created equal. A lot of those other courses are self taught, and students choose them initially to save a few dollars. It isn't until after paying a nonrefundable fee to register for national medical interpreting certification exam, that they realize those other courses didn't meet the standards. That is usually when we see those students- after all of that time, trouble and money was already wasted. At this point, you've either heard all about our 60-hour medical interpreter training course or have already taken it...if not, well, now is the time to get acquainted with what we do: provide quality medical interpreting training so our students can continue with long, successful medical interpreting careers. So why are we offering a national medical interpreting exam prep course?
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