
Is A.I Making Language Interpreter Jobs Obsolete For Humans?


Are professional language interpreter careers, like interpreters and translators, in jeopardy? Without a doubt, working professionals across every industry will continue wondering the same thing. And there are very valid reasons to be concerned. Especially for those thinking about language interpreter training. Because we are really talking about livelihood, and whether a financial investment will be worth anything in 10 years. Especially for bilingual adults who are considering interpreter training, many are wondering:


"why become a language interpreter at all? A.I will do it for free."


First of all, no one can ever truly prepare for the future. You can plan as much as you need to, but anyone who makes promises about the future is desperate to make a sale. That doesn't mean we just give up making plans in the first place.

Second of all, so what?

We can't stop that progress, no matter how much we want to. What are you going to do instead? Because Artificial Intelligence wouldn't be a problem just for language translators... it would be a problem for the entire human race. In reality, everyone in every single industry would be affected. Is there a better investment you could make today that would avoid this situation, and give you a better outcome in 10 years? If so, please let us know when you find out!


3 reasons language interpreter training still matters, even with A.I

1. Evolution is unavoidable

Every being (plant, animal or human) on Earth has had to evolve multiple times in order to exist today. The truth is: yes, A.I is going to change the workforce in every sector. It will speed up processes and simplify menial work. But no one knows what the workforce will look like when it does. The best thing you can do, is prepare as much as you can, now.

As A.I continues to advance, the demand for highly skilled human beings also increases. Companies will need to hire highly skilled humans, who understand the complexities and the nuances of human communication. The people who will get hired are the ones who embrace the change and use the technology to advance their careers.


2. Gamble on yourself if you can

Every investment is a gamble. Why not bet on yourself? Logically, you can control yourself and everything you do. So investing where you have control is a pretty safe bet. It's true that corporations prioritize profits. But they do so with calculated investments, based upon reliable information from multiple trustworthy sources.

Artificial Intelligence is not perfect, and what is available requires human initiation. ChatGPT only does what humans tell it to do, with very specific instructions. Huge companies like Amazon and Google would not risk losing a billion dollar deal because they relied on only one source. Why would you take a risk with your future, based on fear?


3. Look for the signs

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Why are governments around the world still looking to fill interpreter and translation positions with real people if A.I is just going to replace them soon? Because they will always need to protect sensitive information, ensure accuracy and avoid mistakes. A.I can translate a business email. But only if you tell it to, while using very specific human generated prompts, that includes all the information you tell it to.

So before A.I can replace human language interpreters in any meaningful capacity, it has to be capable of critical thinking. It would need to have extremely advanced technology that mimics real human brains, consciousness and all of that complexity. The technology we have is nowhere near that level. And even if creating a fully-functioning, self-relying human brain somehow becomes possible in our lifetime... Artificial Intelligence needs to then demonstrate a repeated pattern of reliable language translations. Ones that can happen without requiring any human involvement at all, before it can be trusted to replace actual humans.


Interpreter training is important

If you become a translator or interpreter, you will have to adapt as technology advances. You will also need to use that technology to your benefit. Because it can make you faster, and complete routine tasks for you. There is no other being on earth that can think like humans do. That means believing in yourself and your capability for intelligence, by investing in your future with interpreter training. So become that highly skilled language professional worthy of hiring! But if you're looking for an excuse not to get your interpreter certification, there are way better reasons you can come up with, that doesn't boil down to "A.I. will steal my job, so there's no point."



Our online translator classes are taught by expert instructors ✅ who have real-world experience in their interpreting specialty. They have worked hard to make fully remote online courses that are unique and engaging ✅ using a hands-on approach that is unparalleled by the competition. If you or someone you know is interested in our online Medical Interpreter Training Programs with live instruction✅, our fully remote yet real time classes ✅ are offered in SpanishPortugueseArabicRussianChineseHaitian Creole, Vietnamese, Farsi, French, Hindi, Korean, Somali, Urdu, Ukrainian languages online and onsite.

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Molly Romano Remote Copywriter

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