Category Archives: Blog

Get A Translator Certificate Online & Earn More As A Medical Interpreter

Everyone wants to earn more money. The unfortunate reality is that you must put in time, and effort in order to gain experience before income can be increased. Bilingual adults who are looking to make their lives better- not just for themselves but their family as well- who are willing to put work into their goals, will ultimately be successful. Getting a standard medical translator certification will allow our alumni to find employment at a hospital directly, and will typically start earning around $25 per hour. This requires passing our 60-hour online medical interpreter training class which is taught by experienced professionals through our unique approach to online learning. We understand that there are hundreds of other companies out there that can offer similar information through self-guided interpreter training online for a low cost. Too often, students attempt to save money with their training this way. Unfortunately, they find out too late that training wasn't nearly sufficient to become a medical interpreter, and they end up spending double in end, after completing medical translator school. Our approach involves providing the convenience of remote learning with the benefits of having an in-person instructor through our 100% LIVE video call style classes. So what does life look like after completing medical interpreter training? 
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To Become a Translator Do You Need to Work Holidays?

To Become a Translator Do You Need to Work Holidays? You might have heard that interpreters work around the clock. Agencies and hospitals are in desperate need of medical interpreter courses online that prepare students for any kind of challenge. When preparing to become a translator, you might also wonder about what does that mean exactly for work/life balance during the holiday season.
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Interpreter Classes and 5 Tips For Improving Public Speaking Skills

Interpreter classes- whether it's medical interpreter training online, legal interpreter training or another class entirely- becoming an interpreter involves mastering a variety of different skills. From stress management to getting comfortable speaking in public to enunciating and becoming an expert at simultaneous interpreting, there are a million individual skills that contribute to becoming an expert interpreter. All of our interpreter classes are taught by expert instructors who have designed unique curriculum to give students the best training possible for their new careers. Other online programs only offer their online interpreter training in a self-guided format; which means their students learn all the material from a computer or book without the guidance of an instructor. Their students often come to us after the fact, because their training unfortunately was not sufficient for official state licensure exams. By taking a different approach to online interpreter training classes, we are able to host LIVE webinar style classes that give our students the convenience of remote learning while offering all the benefits of having a seasoned instructor who can provide correction in the moment, and answer questions as they come up organically.  When enrolled in any class, different students struggle with different elements of the curriculum. Some may have a thicker accent and may need more guidance with pronunciation. Others find that learning how to become comfortable with public speaking is far more challenging. In fact, the National Institute of Mental Health reports that an estimated 73% of the population struggles with public speaking anxiety. With an affliction so pervasive, the odds are high that someone considering a career in interpreting also has a fear of public speaking. So what can you do about it? 
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3 Tips to Help You Prepare for Medical Interpreter Classes Online

3 Tips to Help You Prepare for Medical Interpreter Classes Online

Ambitious students on the verge of starting like to hit the ground running. This is especially true for courses that will be taught online, as a virtual classroom might feel unfamiliar at first. Luckily, all the same rules of...

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