Category Archives: Blog

Political Interpreting: Speaking Someone Else’s Opinion

Imagine you’re in a debate about a controversial topic and one wrong word could make or break any advancement towards your goal. But what if you didn’t have a say in what words were coming out of your mouth? As a matter of fact your opinion on this subject is of no importance at all…Interpreters' lives are often prefaced with being impartial about whatever is being spoken about – but this is especially true for interpreters of anything in the political sphere. Political interpreting, like international UN interpreters for political summits, provides a direct link in imperative discussions and cross-cultural communication on political topics affecting the entire world. Without it, many of the world’s greatest leaders would not be able to work together. But this also means interacting with some controversial information. So what is expected of someone working as an interpreter in cases like this?
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Language Interpreting On The Cutting Edge Of Science

Every assignment is something different as an interpreter. You constantly learn new information, and meet a countless number of knowledgeable and influential people. Check out the work of interpreters at a recent BIO Convention!   June 15th-18th marked the 2015 meeting of the BIO International Convention, an event focused on Biotechnology. Over 15,000 representatives of companies focused on international life science innovation and application gathered in Philadelphia to discuss the current and future advances and implications of the bio industry.  This large, international crowd required the help of many language interpreters and translators, and we provided conference interpreting and other services for the event!
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6 New Verbs Thanks To Social Media

The English language is constantly evolving; you might even be contributing to this change just by using social media! Known as “Verbing” the act of turning a noun into a verb has been common practice for years. Thanks to social media, the 21st century has itself created some peculiar verbs, and utilizing these platforms they spread like wildfire! Here are 6 common verbs that started as nouns:
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