Category Archives: Blog

Healthcare Interpreting With The Heart In Mind

Healthcare interpreting is a fantastic career for bilingual adults. Whether you enter it part time, as a side-hustle, or as a full-time career there are many different paths and opportunities for growth. Many take our standard medical interpreter training course and make successful careers without any additional instruction. Others elect to continue their education with our advanced medical interpreting course to prepare for their medical interpreters licensing examination. It cannot be stressed enough that advanced interpreter training consists of additional training that is not required to become a medical interpreter. You don't have to continue your training, or pursue a medical interpreters' license to be successful.  The students who do continue their training, do so because they aspire to work for hospitals, or they want to work for an agency, or they want to specialize their training. Just like doctors choose a specialty, medical interpreters can choose a specialization as well. A medical interpreting specialization could include anything from orthopedics, to radiology, to cardiology or anything in between. By choosing a speciality in medical interpreting training, students and their future clients benefit in 3 key ways...
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Interpreting In Orthopedics & The Fundamentals Of Vocabulary

Interpreting is not something that should be taken lightly. Whether we are talking about legal, business or medical interpreting- providing interpreting services for a paying clientele indicates customers are paying for a high level of expertise. When customers pay someone to handle things for them, it's because the other person is an expert in that field. Just because bilingual adults are fluent in 2 languages, doesn't make them an expert interpreter. Sure, knowing both languages is a definite start, but that doesn't make you a medical interpreter on its' own. Imagine you are a 19 year old college student in your first year of law school, and you have to appear before a court to plead a case. The rational person would go ahead and hire a lawyer to plead the case before a judge. Primarily because the lawyer knows more than you do, they have studied the law and dedicated their life towards understanding it. 
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Medical Interpreter Training And Patient Confidentiality

Medical interpreter training is very important for bilingual adults who want to become professional interpreters. By providing students with expert instructors to learn from, we allow them to become experts themselves. And that process of learning is more convenient than ever. Made possible through our fully remote classes that are taught in real time; through our unique video conferencing platform that brings the classroom to you. Throughout our 60-hour, 7-week standard medical interpreter training program students learn the essentials of medical interpreting. Fundamentals such as anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, integral approaches and strategies to different methods of interpreting, interpreter ethics and so much more are covered in this essential course. Bilingual adults who obtain their interpreter training certificate have an opportunity to create a meaningful career that builds upon and expands their language skills. We even have an advanced medical interpreter course for those who choose to continue their education and become a licensed medical interpreter.
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The Business Interpreter With A Career In Marketing

The business interpreter has an important role to play in any industry. Their job is to facilitate conversation during business meetings & conferences. For instance, if a company is expanding into a new market, the business interpreter would work with the marketing department to ensure that messaging in ad campaigns is accurate. They do all of this and more, and their work is highly valuable to executives and decision makers across all industries. Whether they are hired for crucial business meetings, or to look over contracts for foreign clients, there is no room for confusion. The successful business interpreter is well trained, and a trusted spokesperson for individuals and corporations. They aren't just a hired professional who can speak both languages. Here are some ways professional interpreters use their business interpreter certificate for a career in marketing...
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