
Do schools need community interpreters?

Do schools need community interpreters?

Every year, families abroad make the tough decision to leave home. Ready to sacrifice what “normal” means to them, their hope is found in a foreign country where their mother tongue is not the native language. The United States provides an abundance of opportunities; specifically, in education. Many are attracted...
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7 Idioms Your Patient’s English Doctor Won’t Understand

7 Idioms Your Patient’s English Doctor Won’t Understand

When you use idioms common to your native language, you probably don’t think twice about how strange they sound. However, as an interpreter, you need to be aware of idioms in both your native language and your target language - not only to understand them, but to...
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Medical Interpreters Impact Immigrant’s Lives

Medical Interpreters Impact Immigrant’s Lives

The Impact of a Professional Medical Interpreter on Immigrant Health Care

Medical Interpretation is not just a convenience for doctors, nurses, and patients – at times interpreters are the only ones who can communicate patient rights and cultural differences in medicine to the appropriate parties. They are a conduit of understanding, rather...
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The 6 Most In-Demand Languages for Interpreters at the UN

In most careers there is a top position or a dream company people strive for. For many in the interpretation field, being a conference interpreter at the United Nations in Geneva is the goal. The UN is the largest organization focused on international cooperation in the world. As such, many languages are represented in its daily operations. Freelance interpreters can expect to be paid anywhere from $7,336 to $17,229 a month while working in Geneva, according to the UN’s short-term translators rates for 2016.
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