
Certified Community Interpreters, VRI and Law Enforcement

Certified community interpreters provide interpreting as a public services and strive to bring language accessibility to communities that are struggling with language barriers. Their work is extremely important for Limited English Proficiency (LEP) communities across the world; especially when the consequences of misunderstanding an officer can be dangerous. The goal for community interpreters is to effectively translate both sides of the conversation to create a smoother, more comfortable interaction for everyone involved. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, every profession has recently moved to a remote platform, resulting in a heightened demand for Video Remote Interpreting technology. Consisting of cameras, microphones and high-speed internet connection, interpreters can provide sign language or spoken language translating services remotely. Modern video conference technology allows community interpreters to communicate for the LEP individual during police stops happening hundreds of miles away. In this day and age, highly televised police interactions and their subsequent protests that involve racial or ethnic minorities, continue to illustrate the importance for law enforcement to build trusting relationships with the communities they serve.
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Becoming Certified In Legal Interpreting Requires 3 Important Skills

Becoming certified in legal interpreting takes a lot of hard work, but offers a rewarding career. Bilingual individuals who can demonstrate fluency in another language (can speak, read, write and understand formal and informal versions of the language) in addition to English, can find meaningful work with online legal interpreter training. While some interpreters may strictly interpret what is spoken- legal interpreters will most likely work as translators as well. In the most simple terms, the main difference between interpretation and translation is that interpreting deals with spoken language in real time and translation focuses on written content. In addition to ensuring verbal and written communication is top notch, communication in courtroom proceedings is understandably more complex than in everyday life. For example, legal language training must include legal terminology, formal and informal registers of speech, as well as dialect and jargon in both English and the translated language. Online legal interpreter training provides the building blocks for the level of confidence that is required in the courtroom to become successful, by equipping students with 3 important interpreting skills:
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3 Signs Our Medical Interpreter Training Program Is Right For You

Our online medical interpreter training program is designed with you in mind. This 60-hour, 7-week training course was developed to enable participants to become competent medical interpreters. Taught by live instructors, our highly engaging and interactive webinars are easy to access wherever you are in the world. Crafted by qualified and respected professionals in the field, our course is divided into 3 parts: Medical Interpreter Core Competency (covering basic concepts and strategies delivered in English), Anatomy and Physiology (delivered in English) and Language Coaching (including language practice and role-plays in the target language). If you have reliable internet connection, here are 3 signs this course may be for you:
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Interpreter Courses and 3 Tips to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

Interpreter courses are some of the most common New Years' resolutions. No matter what calendar reads, some of the most common resolutions of all time involve learning a new skill, saving more money and pursuing a new career. It's clear that the promise of a new year brings sparks hope for self improvement. Studies show that 60% of people struggle with keeping New Years Resolutions- which is unfortunate because I have no trouble keeping my own resolutions until March. Why do so many New Years Resolutions fail year after year? The answer is complex and could come down 1 or multiple things out of infinite reasons. Whether you want to learn a new skill, save more money, pursue a new career or all 3 in 2022, online interpreter courses can satisfy them all and here are 3 Tips to Help You Keep Your New Year's Resolutions:
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