Certified community interpreters provide interpreting as a public services and strive to bring language accessibility to communities that are struggling with language barriers. Their work is extremely important for Limited English Proficiency (LEP) communities across the world; especially when the consequences of misunderstanding an officer can be dangerous. The goal for community interpreters is to effectively translate both sides of the conversation to create a smoother, more comfortable interaction for everyone involved. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, every profession has recently moved to a remote platform, resulting in a heightened demand for Video Remote Interpreting technology. Consisting of cameras, microphones and high-speed internet connection, interpreters can provide sign language or spoken language translating services remotely. Modern video conference technology allows community interpreters to communicate for the LEP individual during police stops happening hundreds of miles away. In this day and age, highly televised police interactions and their subsequent protests that involve racial or ethnic minorities, continue to illustrate the importance for law enforcement to build trusting relationships with the communities they serve.
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Certified Community Interpreters, VRI and Law Enforcement