Immigration interpreting for bilingual adults is a great career path for those looking to change their career or progress in it. By building off of the language skills you already possess, while learning specialized interpreter skills, techniques & terminology- students are able to find success long after immigration interpreter training has ended. For bilingual adults who aspire to give back to their communities, providing interpreting services to LEP (Limited English Proficient) adults can be rewarding.
An LEP adult is someone who speaks little to no English, and they are often one of the most under-served communities in the United States. Providing immigration interpreting services during legal proceedings is one of the best ways to bring language justice to the immigrant population in the United States. Language justice is the idea that everyone deserves to understand and be understood- in all aspects of public life- regardless of where you were born.
"Delivering language justice" means that there is a person responsible for making sure that interpreters are available during concerts and forums, that official government forms are translated etc. Because every member of the community has the same right to the same information that everyone else has. Here's 3 ways immigration interpreting is helpful for those who aspire to work as legal assistants or similar positions:
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Legal Interpreter Training & 3 Vocab Hacks For ESL Learners
Court and legal interpreter training can be the start of a very successful career. Especially for the bilingual adults who are already fluent in 2 languages. A legal interpreter is someone who can translate conversation, from one language to another, during legal proceedings. That's it. They aren't required to go to law school. They don't need to know the intricacies of the law, or how to apply those laws on a case-by-case basis. That job is reserved for lawyers. Lawyers understand the terms and concepts, legal interpreters must know how to pronounce them. Which isn't as easy as it may seem, because there is a lot to learn. So if you are considering or already enrolled in our legal interpreting course, here's 3 vocabulary hacks:
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Remember Immigrant History In Honor Of Saint Paddy’s Day
St. Patrick's Day falls on the same day every year, to honor St. Patrick on the day he died: March 17, in the year 461. And while the city of Boston, Massachusetts has claimed to have hosted the first St. Paddy's Day celebration in the United States, Ireland has been celebrating as early as the 10th century. Although, Ireland has always treated March 17 as a somber, holy day of remembrance.
In 2024, those living in Ireland have the day off for their national holiday, but most aren't celebrating like the United States does. These days, St. Patrick's Day is associated with parades, beer, corned beef and hash, potatoes, 4 leaf clovers and tiny men called leprechauns. In the United States, but particularly in Boston's South End- or "Southie" as locals refer to the area- St. Patrick's Day is a huge deal. Streets remain closed for parades, local watering holes like bars and pubs get just as crowded as the streets do, rivers and beer get dyed green, and the Boston police department prepare for an entire weekend filled with breaking up bar fights.
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Legal Interpreting & 3 Things To Know About Confidentiality
Legal interpreting can seem intimidating at first. We don't expect you to be a legal expert, familiar with every law or tort that exists int he United States legal system. But we do expect you to be able to correctly pronounce legal terminology and provide accurate interpreting services. A legal interpreter doesn't have to understand the law - they have to listen to the legal proceeding in English and relay what was said in a target language.
This isn't as easy as it sounds. But just like lawyers must maintain confidentiality, legal interpreters must as well. And that might seem overwhelming, because there is so much to the concept of privacy, and ensuring that you act in accordance with all the privacy laws that relate to it. Any good legal or court interpreter will abide by the code of ethics and professional conduct that states everything that goes on during an interpreting assignment must remain confidential.
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