Professional medical interpreters must be expert communicators in at least 2 languages to be effective. In the United States, they must be fluent in English and their target language. They don't need to attend medical school. They don't need to diagnose their clients. And they definitely don't need to understand microbiology or biochemistry as doctors do. For medical interpreters, it is their job to attend appointments with clients who don't speak the same language as their doctor. So while they don't need the full extent of a medical education as doctors do, they must have a basic understanding of medical terminology and concepts.
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Legal Interpreter Tips That Will Turn Students Into Experts
A legal interpreter has a very important role. It is their job to facilitate communication between a client and a judge who speak entirely different languages. If a person cannot speak or understand English, logically, they should have a legal interpreter present for all legal proceedings. Unfortunately, immigration courts don't guarantee defendants the right to a lawyer like other courts do. Nor do they guarantee the right to legal interpreters. This means that defendants are left to navigate the judicial system alone, without the ability to communicate efficiently.
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Bilingual Professionals: Interpreters & Translators In Law
Bilingual professionals refers to the people who have made a profession out of fluently speaking more than one language. According to the 2019 Census Bureau, almost 68 million people in the United States speak a language other than English at home. That is roughly 21.6% of the entire U.S population! Interestingly, about 8% of the country - or 27,334,038 people - reported being more comfortable speaking a language other than English. If we look at detained immigrant statistics, people are 5 times more likely to hire a lawyer if they have someone helping them fill out forms... something that seems so simple, is what many don't have. In fact, only 14% of these detained immigrants go to court with a lawyer by their side.
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Legal Interpreting VS Translating & How They’re Different
Legal interpreting and legal translating definitely have similarities. It is every language professional's job to facilitate communication between their client and the other party. "The other party" could be a judge, who is overseeing your client's immigration case. Or it could be a lawyer for another type of legal proceeding. Whatever the case might be, both the legal interpreter and the legal translator work to ensure their client receives accurate information, in a language they can understand. In the United States, most of their clients are Limited English Proficient (LEP) which means the legal translator or legal interpreter must have an expert-level understanding of the English language and whatever language their client speaks.
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