Better English Speaking Skills - Better Job!
Learning Business English, mastering your English speaking skills and pronunciation, reducing your foreign accent, can help you impress a potential employer, improve your chances of getting a job and lead to career advancement for those of you already employed.
It’s no secret that, in order to impress a potential employer, you have to be able to speak his or her language…literally. With the global market increasing at a rapid pace (one could say daily) the need to be able to express one’s thoughts and ideas in a clear and cohesive manner is more important than ever. It’s no surprise to find that English is one of the prevailing languages in global business. Having only a minimal knowledge of the English language creates language barriers which lead to major misunderstandings and conflicts on the job. Work opportunities for foreign people, especially those in America, are thus often based on how well the potential employee can converse in English. It’s the difference between working for a global corporation in New York City and being stuck taking orders at a drive through all day.

If you have any questions regarding our course please visit our Business English Program or contact Customer Service at:
Phone: (617) 277-1990.
Mailing Address:
Language Connections LLC
2001 Beacon Street, Suite 105
Boston, MA 02135